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Image Comments posted by audah

    Love Actually

    Hi Margaret, thanks for stoping by, actually the original photo is sharper than in PN (I'm always put the low resolution photos to make it easy to download). Green is cozy colour for me...Thanks


    Hi Mike, I'm not being sensitive, but I think I should explain to Mr. digitri the reason I exhibit this image on PN, maybe he doesn't know that PN allows the photographers exhibit their creativities in Digital Alterations section. Thanks



    To Mr. digitri, you are not missing something here....as this image resulted of creativity with design softwares (Photoshop 7 and Photo Impact, I 'm very clear to describe it!), but base on my ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS...I don't think in PN has any regulations that you ONLY could exhibit your photographs, as many other photographers used this kind of works (collage, etc.) to improve their images (PN has Digital Alterations in their Critique Requests)... so I think it's only need your creativities and the way your appreciated someone's original ideas. Thanks anyway!

    (PS. this comment made for Mr. digitri who said he missing something from this image...Why did you erased your comments?)

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