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Posts posted by tc_reed

  1. Very nice shot! I use to love watching Sprint cars races. Wolfgang was my favorite driver to watch. Then, he was involved in an accident and suffered some serious burns and I didn't watch so much. Not sure why. I still love the cars and the dirt track racing.
  2. Mark,


    I was being more sarcastic to show how unnecessary it is to go out of the way when you leave a P.S. with a message such as this:


    p.s. Lluisa, if you really think this photo has good definition I would suggest you quit photography immediately and get yourself straight to the opticians.


    I have no problem with being direct. I feel that you chose the wrong approach when you went back on the second comment just to be on the attack.


    Personally, I didn't care for the suggestion. You made your opinion quite clear with the first direct comment left for the photographer.


    And, this is one of the reasons I asked my three questions.


    I appreciate the constructive comments left by anyone. Even the direct ones. I've had plently left for me. And, I take them in stride as I am still very much learning photography. But, when I read overly direct comments that are in an attacking tone I wonder about what possible reason made this person react on such an emotional level.


    Is this part of the teaching, or part of the competitive spirit among us?


    I merely use your comments to Louisa as part of my example, Mark. I find nothing offensive about your vocabulary or how you're interacting with me. I am only looking to understand what all the fuss is about when the emotions seem to be running high.


    I will quite pushing buttons now. For today. Or, for the next two hours.



    Mark, I can appreciate honest communication, but I have to tell you, I went to the link you left for us and when I read your "constructive" comment I was disappointed by your lack of compassion and your poor communication approach. In fact, I could feel your disgust by the other PNr's and their high marks and you chose to take it out on the photographer in a slightly hostile tact.


    You went out of your way to insult this person who took a crappy shot of a kitten in boot. Why not be short and to the point without the dramatic personal attack? And, why go back and add the after thought of a P.S. How about a direct approach.


    Example: Your photo's compositional quality sucks! The colour is poor, the subject is looking away and it is a reflection of a lack of compositional thinking. Let's put more time into the next one.


    See how simple it can be to say, your photo sucks.? And, there is encouragement in the last sentence.


    People may not remember what you say, but they will damn sure remember how you made them feel. Let's try to not take the personal attack approach in the future.



    You make a good observation, Rich. I too am guilty of perusing the gallery and stopping at the photo's which stand out for me.


    I shall immediately cease that attitude and adopt a new one. I know first hand what it is like not to get the constructive feedback I am looking for and do not wish to commit the same error against another any longer.


    Thank you for bringing that to our attention. And, please keep reminding us through the year.



  5. I think Mike Dixon best understood my making lite of the "constant whining". :-)


    By all means, keep giving the feedback! We really do enjoy reading it and commenting on it!


    Now, is "Rant Room" taken by anyone? Cause, I think that would make a fine name for a whining forum. Who's idea was that?

  6. Carl Root,


    I respect and admire your direct answers to my three questions.


    Your answers closely reflect my personal feelings for being a member of PN.



    For those who may have misunderstood my teasing Bob Atkins, it just so happens that my introduction to PN was slow and the only welcoming feedback came from Bob Atkins. Bob took the time on one of my first uploads to explain how to look at my subject with a more thorough eye and to consider the lighting more carefully when choosing my settings.

    I purchased a books on natural lighting and photography as well as composition and have been reading various books on photography since.

    I don't mean to give Bob more credit than he deserves, nor do I mean to imply that he is one of the main decision makers for PN.

    However, I believe in giving credit where credit is due. He was a huge influence on my decision to join PN and is still a huge influence in my approach to problem solving and conflict management. He may not always be right (;-) but he certainly tries, for the most part, to put his best foot forward. He does a fine job of being courteous and fair to everyone. Even when he is joking back. Not to mention, he is a great listener. Sometimes I enjoy attempting to lighten the load a bit. Though, I see that not everyone will read and interpret the words in the same way.


    Now, who mentioned a new whining forum?! Can we do that? :-)

  7. How wonderful the many perspectives on what people expect from their participation in Photo.net. I enjoy reading the many interesting and humorus comments as well as the more aggressive perspectives. I find it intriguing to read the many different ideas and problem solving approaches tossed about by so many individuals on any given topic being posed.


    I certainly hope none took offense to my questions or my teasing comment which I couldn't resist tossing towards Bob. I am truly interested in each opinion and perspective on how we all enjoy our time and experience with PN. I hope we all continue to enjoy such interactions.


    I would also like to thank the people who keep PN running smoothly with so few problems ever occurring. I see for myself how much work the many different individuals put into our enjoyment and can only imagine how many others are working behind the scenes and in so many capacities.


    Thank you everyone for making my PN experiences so educational and so pleasurable.


    With warmest regards,

    TC Reed

  8. I have three questions for PN members. Keep emotions at bay please while answering my questions. I am merely wishing to understand my fellow PNr's.


    1. Why do people put so much weight into the ratings they receive?


    2. What is the purpose for joining photo.net or any photography website/forum?


    3. What is the expected payoff or gain from photo.net? Example: Will they receive a new career from their PN membership? Are members sending clients to view the critiques left for them on PN? What is the big payoff which feeds the burning desire constantly moan each week, and in some cases daily, about the critique and rating system?

  9. Witolda,


    Excellent gallery! Your coverage goes above and beyond! There is one crash you show of the no. 8 car that is excellent in detail. Another of a driver being helped from his car by a trackside resue worker? and so many more action shots with vivid side by side racing which reflects some reality check on the banking at these races. There are a few shots which allow us to see the driver as if he was a few feet away. I think I could see the whites of their eyes.


    Thanks for offering your gallery for viewing. I hope you are able to cover the Nextel Cup series on occasion. I know I've sparked an interest in the European series now thanks to you. I will study up and throw one out at you every now and then in the future if you don't mind. I love stock car racing and any other racing as well.

  10. I find it hard to believe there is not one photo.net member among all of those fans at each of those tracks.


    I regret not asking for my NASCAR photo's years ago when I became divorced. I created some pretty nice memories. I see there is a need to step up to the plate.

  11. I have viewed a good many photo's here over the past couple of

    years. I have rarely, if ever, seen a photo of a stock car race.

    Especially with the growing popularity of NASCAR, you'd think we'd

    have more uploads of track shots, behind the scenes, pit shots, fan

    moments, etc.


    Where are the NASCAR photographers?

  12. If you're only here for the ratings, you're here for the wrong reasons from the getgo. Don't set yourself up for negative experiences. Get a pair of rose colored glasses and wear them for a bit. Sometimes, a view through a different lens is just what a person needs to see more clearly what is really before them.
  13. Being a member of PN for a couple of years now, I have grown in many ways. Mostly, on the inside.


    I couldn't have foreseen this potential when I first joined PN. I value my personal growth immensely. It has allowed me to never take myself too seriously and to appreciate those who are still young of mind. Once you grow enough wrinkles on the giant muscle in your skull, you will gain sight on many levels.


    PN is a tool. For the wise ones, it's not just a tool for learning photography.


    Allow for the fools in the world. It will only help earn you more wrinkles. Enjoy what you're doing. There will always be many types of people. That's part of the fun in learning. Go with it. Use it to serve the greater good in yourself then spread it around to others.

    It's not about the points system. It's about what you allow yourself to gain from the experience.


    You See?

  14. I find that I respectfully appreciate a handful of ratings on my photo's that I choose to upload. I receive great feedback from those regulars and have grown considerably from their critique's. There will always be someone who doesn't like what you like or the style in which you achieved a particular look in a photo. What matters most is how you feel about it. If someone offers you feedback on how you could improve on your style, then great! If someone gives, what you feel is a low rating, then get over it. You will encounter this type of person in every aspect of your life, I'm sure. How you deal with it on PN is no different than how you would deal with it in the other areas of your life.


    Personnally, I choose to grow from both the good as well as the bad. There is always an opportunity to learn and this can only be good for us all.


    Good luck with your work, JAson.

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