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paul hart

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Posts posted by paul hart

  1. Sorry if this has been posted or mentioned before - couldn't spot it at a quick glance - but version 1.092

    is now available for download from the Leica website. Just installed it on mine without any difficulty.


    According to the splurge, it fixes various things but doesn't include the planned adaptation for the UV/IR

    filters - that's coming in the next update due in mid-April 07. The delay is probably to keep the whingers

    happy for a bit longer.

  2. I have the 28 Elmarit-M ASPH (which is what I assume you're referring to). I don't have the 28

    Summicron ASPH to compare it to, but from what I have read and my experience of the

    Elmarit, I would be very surprised if you'd notice any difference other than the

    aperture. It is also a very compact lens, and makes an excellent 'standard' lens on the M8.


    As aperture is of no consequence to you, I think the decision is a simple one given the cost


  3. VP: I should have guessed a slightly positive remark about Leica/Noctilux/M8 would prompt

    a contribution from you. The female cuff is an object of beauty that few are aware of.

    However, if you click on the image then select 'all sizes' you may see that it is not as you say.

    Unless, of course, that would spoil your day.

  4. The Noctilux demands a lot of practice, and the M8 makes that practice a lot easier and

    quicker. And then when you nail one, it's really good.<p><p><center><a href="http://

    www.flickr.com/photos/paul_hart/331724318/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://

    farm1.static.flickr.com/137/331724318_8747cd645e.jpg" width="500" height="333"

    alt="Emma in Contemplative Mood" /></a></center>

  5. James:


    To answer your last question (as someone who owns the 90 MEM and has owned the

    Elmarit), there is a significant difference in size, weight and 'feel' between these two



    Length (Elmarit/90MEM): 76mm/59mm (extended) - 40mm (collapsed).


    Weight: 410g/240g (black versions).


    I don't do tests, but judging from those who do and my own experience, there's nothing to

    choose between them in terms of image quality. The MEM is a remarkable little lens and if

    you can live with the 'unsexy' maximum aperture, it's the one to go for, IMHO.

  6. Skipton Castle, Yorkshire, England. M3+CV15<p><p><center><a href="http://

    www.flickr.com/photos/paul_hart/110641684/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://

    farm1.static.flickr.com/52/110641684_4bfb9641a3_b.jpg" width="1024" height="714"

    alt="Skipton Castle" /></a></center>

  7. Are actual users of the M8 turning the tide against the chatterings of internet cynics at long

    last? Can't help but notice - increase in FS threads - several 'first day with M8' threads -

    silence from some previously vocal contributors.


    Harry: you have the benefit of being in a hugely photogenic city, so keep them coming!

  8. Like the Noctilux (which I have) I expect the 75 'lux is murderously difficult to focus

    accurately close up at maximum aperture. It takes a lot of practice. However, when you nail it

    it may well be as rewarding as the Noctilux is...<p><p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/

    photos/paul_hart/331282932/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://

    farm1.static.flickr.com/129/331282932_14dbf30d22.jpg" width="500" height="333"

    alt="Rachel" /></a>

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