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Posts posted by chris_david

  1. I use the Nikon adapter which functions the same way. Exposure works fine in AV mode. There is no mechanical link from camera to aperture control so there is no automatic diaphragm actuation.
  2. Sounds like a very nice starter system to me. I would be quite happy with your proposed outfit.


    I couple minor comments.


    I'm not a big fan of the VC 50/1.5 based only on the sample shots I've seen. The a 50mm Summicron (which I have owned) is fairy cheap by Leica standards and produces more pleasing results. Obviously is almost a stop slower.


    I also owned the CV 90mm 3.5 and had no complaints about the image quality, but I did wish I had more speed more than once. I would go for a tele-elmarit if I was in the market.

  3. I think the M6 is best for 50mm and shorter lenses. Of course you can use longer lenses, but the focusing will be slowing than when using an SLR (at least it is for me). For action shots, an SLR is much better with longer lenses.


    If you are mainly going to be doing scenic photos that include animals, I think the M6 with a 90mm will work fine but it's not where this camera really excels IMO.

  4. "dont know the answer to your exact question, but from f/2.0 to f/2.8 is not one stop....its roughly 1/2 stop (each full f-stop is double the previous.........ie. f/2 plus one stop is f/4).... "


    Hmmm. They must have changed the f-stop system since I started taking pictures. In the old days the stops used to be 1.4, 2.0, 2.8, 4.0, 5.6, 8.0, 11.0, 16, 22, 32 etc.


    BTW, I have the 28mm f2.8 and it is quite nice optically but I do wish it was faster. I vote for the 35m f2.0.

  5. What do you want to do? Digital SLR's, MF TLR's and Leica rangefinders all have unique strengths and weaknesses.


    Is the meter on the M6 a critical requirement? I vote for a beater M2 or M3 ($600) with an early summicron 50mm or black Canon 1.8 with an adapter.


    I like the Canon P as well. While it's not a Leica M, it's "feel" is much better than the Cosina cameras if that is important to you.

  6. As a Epson 1270 owner, I say try the HP. The Epson produces nice results but it takes an excessive amount of effort to get there. Specifically, the colors and other settings are initially horrible and must be tweaked quite a bit. Also, the cartridges constantly clog up and it take quite a bit of time and ink to unclog them.
  7. The Nikon 950 we use at work has died and we need a replacement. I

    see that Nikon no longer makes the swivel type of camera which

    happens to be ideally suited to our use. Specifically, we take a lot

    of macro shots and use the camera "stacked" on top of a microscope

    eye piece to shot super macros. The 28mm filter size makes the 950

    perfect for this.


    Any suggestions for a replacement? I'm thinking of a 995 if I can

    find a new one. Buying a used camera is not an option.

  8. I bought a beat up Canon P and need help adjusting the

    rangefinder. I know how the adjustment should work and have

    sccessfully adjusted the rangefinder on several LTM camera before.

    The problem is the RF patch is always too low no matter how much you

    turn the ring. At its best the patch is about 30% too low. I'm

    guessing I have to take the top cover off and adjust or replace

    something inside. What is the next thing I should do?

  9. 1) The process doesn't take any longer than in the US generally (5-60 minutes depending on how busy/under staffed they are).


    2) I've heard of people with a large bags of professional looking equipment having problems but I never have. I've traveled in China with a pair a Leica M's and later a 10D in shabby looking Domke satchels.


    3) I don't recall seeing any such line.


    4) Bring it home unless you are 100% sure it's a good lab. I browsed through some scrap books in China and the developing looks quite bad.


    5) I wouldn't worry about it. You'll have more problems with your "spy camera" taking a picture of a bridge in the US than you will in China. I took thousands of sneaky pictures with my S400 hidden in the palm of my hand and managed to stay out of prison:)


    The only time I got in "trouble" was taking a picture on the train from Guangzhou to Hong Kong which for reasons that elude me seems to be considered a state secret.


    BTW, I highly recommend getting a Domke satchel. Much less conspicuous and safer than a backpack. Chinese thieves are quite good with razors and can empty a photo back without you even noticing.

  10. I've owned various screw mount Leicas (bad, squinty finders), Leica

    M's (excellent finders) and late model Canon LTM camera (very good

    finders). How does the finder on the Zorki 3M compare? I'm planning

    on getting one from fedka, where they state the cameras have been



    Thanks again in advance for the advice. This is getting to be my

    favorite forum.

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