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Image Comments posted by mhgreen

    Cheap Fair


    John: Nice shot. I like the fact that the carousel is essentially lifeless (which is evidenced by the long shutter speed and no apparent movement), yet the Tilt-A-Whirl, or whatever that thing is, is bristling with action.


    I stayed in a small, art-deco style hotel in Wildwood, New Jersey on a photography assignment not long ago and they had shots like this of the local amusement park framed in the bedrooms for decoration. I like this shot better most of the ones I saw, however. Good job. ~M

    Caravan # 2


    Part of the difficulty of obtaining such a beautiful shot such as this is just simply being in the right part of the world to capture it. So I congratulate you (Pennie) for A) getting the opportunity to travel and see such a visually interesting place and B)capturing the moment flawlessly. I don't see where any added complexities in cropping would really improve the image and I think that those suggesting this are "splitting hairs", with all due respect.


    As far as originality goes, yes, there have been many dune/camel/caravan pictures captured over time. But so have there been millions of mountain, sunset, Eiffel Tower, and Grand Canyon pics to name a few. These types of things are popular to photograph because they are such interesting and visually impressive subjects. But nevertheless, there are plenty of really bad pictures of these things as well. So, in effect, capturing a great image (like this one), even if it's of a great subject, is not guaranteed. Therefore, you deserve all the credit for getting it. And yes, luck often does play a part, but we'll choose to ignore that for now. :-)


    Love the shot and I like the small flashes of color in the caravan in an otherwise monochromatic image.


    Great shot--intriguing, great lighting, gorgeous model, and very, very sexy. The barely visible black panties also seem to add something. I think I would have kept more of her face in the shot, however.
  1. Shing: I love your use of lighting here. And although I applaud your decision to photograph the gun with the slide locked back for its orginality, I think the gun looks much better "in battery", or with the slide forward. It would have been cooler to have bullets in the magazine as well, in my opinion. By the way, I live in Connecticut and only about 10 minutes away from where your beautiful Colt was manufactured.
  2. Very nice. I like the isolation of you, the subject. Good use of background blur. Many would have opted to use an increased depth of field, but the large, and pronounced features of the background are readily identifiable and look much better slightly blurred.


    Very cool angle and interesting composition. I think it would be silly to have had the hand in focus and the face blurred. I believe your intent was to shoot a portrait, not a hand shot. The colors seem like they are weighted toward the greens and reds. Is this incidental or intentional?
  3. Fantastic! I have seen many, many photos of this castle, but I have never seen one quite like this. This was an extremely rare opportunity to catch the sun,moon,snow,fog, and mountain all in one shot. Clone out the twig on the bottom right hand edge and you've got perfection.
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