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Image Comments posted by tony_k.

  1. Hi Gerard...the image of the Hibiscus is quite interesting to me in the sense of the technical challenge and the capturing of the main key.

    Nature has her own way when displaying colors and the colors in the picture hit me with "danger" signals. The red,orange and black are symbolic of danger,caution and worse...the high contrast colors remind me of the FLY AGARIC mushroom or the CORAL snake of the US.

    In a way I find myself exploring the total image and find it intriguing. There is a tendency when looking at macro photographs to expect that every minute detail of the image be in razor sharp focus and if not, then supporting the main element. Here the planes of focus switch back and forth drawing me away from the ring.

    I downloaded the image and experimented with a photo-imaging program and really like a B&W conversion.The image takes on an ethereal quality.

    Looking forward to the next image.

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