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Image Comments posted by jeff_t

  1. Reed, thanks for the comments. The print itself is somewhat lighter, so you can see a little bit more of the faces of the two guys on the left. Didn't scan in all that well I guess. Was originally drawn to the graffti, which is why I wanted to take this shot. And, the guys in front added to the atmosphere.


    Was in fact using a zoom lens, but can't remember what focal length I was at. I too think a closer look at these guys would have been interesting. Although not sure this particualr place and time was conducive to more intimate photos -- one of the guys playing cards on the right realized that I was shooting, got pissed off, and demanded my camera. Luckily his buddy calmed him down and I was allowed to leave without incident.

  2. To Alberto's point -- it may be too dark (agreed), but that is more due to scanning it in poorly than the shot itself. The actual print is lighter. I scanned this around 2 years ago, and haven't gone back to rescan it / lighten it in Photoshop or something like that.
  3. Took this shot on the fly in the back seat of a cab under the FDR

    Drive. Thought this worked well with the shallow DOF -- comments?


    As always, thanks for viewing, commenting, and / or rating.

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