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Image Comments posted by david_fidler2

  1. Nice setting, but the horizon is going through the middle, sky is washing out the leaves in some areas. Find myself tilting my head to match the orientation of the photo. Tough lighting conditions too... keep at it!


    Has promise. Distracting elements are the power lines and the detail in the ground. Colors in sky seem to wash out (might benefit from a faster shutter). The foreground is flat and uninteresting (with too much happening in the distance).
  2. Wow. There is so much going on in this picture; heavy/contrasty foreground with a soft back... very striking. My only beefs with this photo has to do with things that were beyond your control... Mind if I use this for my wallpaper?


    Excellent potential. Terrific composure, lovely backdrop. If only you'd had a tripod handy... I am tempted to say a bit of fill flash too, but I am not sure how that would have affected your overall balance of white... All-in-all, good balance for the exposure.
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