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Image Comments posted by mike_joa


    I love looking through your images. Because you take beautiful photos and becaue I live in the same city and it's great to see how you see a place I know and what you can get out of it. Very inspiring to me.
  1. I like the sign there myself. I think it adds an original element to an otherwise conventional photo and gives it more of the "city" feel. Is that a person's head there under the stop light? I also like that you waited for a red light to contrast with that lovely blue.

    fin. 3

    When I first posted this one it was suggested to try a closer and lower angle. I had the opportunity to go back to this place so I tried it out. I actually spent a while experimenting whith different angles. It was a good exercise and thanks to that suggestion I think I learned quite a bit from this experience. Unfortunately the original was taken under overcast skies and this was a sunny day so I'm not as happy with the constrast and shades here but much happier with the composition. It was suggested to go for stronger blacks as well but what can I say, the Caddy was grey. :) Thanks Louis.

    Fisby 1


    I am just a begginer and would like some feedback on what I am doing

    wrong/right. This is one of my pics that I am most satisfied with

    so I am interested in seeing what more serious photographers think

    of it. Any feedback/constructive criticism would be appreciated.


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