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Image Comments posted by john_vo1

    Fast Car

    Thanks for all the helpful comments! I agree that the blur at the back of the car is too sharp and also picked up too much white color. The front blur is also picking up the red of the car. Finally I agree that the reflections on the car is a bit sloppy showing interior lighting. I will fix this picture up and resubmit when I have some time. Thanks again!

    Wiggy Yawns

    This is a very nice pet photo. Something I notice is that the paw and fur at the bottom left appears a bit soft and out of focus. Otherwise good capture, and also I agree that the picture looks great the way it is now. The tones and contrast are nice.



    Interesting perspective. At first I found the reflection of the shoe on the hardwood floor a bit distracting, but the more I look at it, the more I find that it makes this picture work. I can't really say why the reflection off the polished floor works but it does add an interesting element to the picture.


    Here is a version of the picture where I removed the reflection. It doesn't seem to be as good as the original piece.


  1. Although the idea is there, I think the execution is not perfect. It is clear that the lighting is not consistent across the picture. The guard is too brightly lit, especially his boots. The inconsistency of the lighting makes the picture appear a bit unnatural to me.


    This is nice. Lovely colors, and the pose is interesting. It looks like photoshop editing for the background, and it seems to work well. Good idea to identify the contrasting blue and yellow.


    You turned a somewhat uninteresting background here to becoming very interesting. The dancing girl really adds a powerful effect to this picture. The picture has elements of mystery, movement, youth, age, and timelessness. Composition is excellent. I like the way you composed her at the edge of the frame, by a stroke of luck, timing, or foresight, it is brilliant. A very original picture.

    Remember 5


    I don't particularly like the lighting here. Photo appears shot during midday so sunlight is quite harsh on grass in background and on the statue. This shot has potential, and I would have liked to see it shot in cooler evening light. Also try opening the aperature more to get rid of distracting background.





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