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Posts posted by donald_r._hensley__jr.___

  1. A professional photographer that I work for years ago used diafine. Its great for batch processing when you have different types of B&W films, you can process tri-x with plus-x for example. The times will be the same for any film and any temperture. The only drawbacks is an increase in film speed by about 2x. Tri-x will have to be shot at 800 asa, plus-x at 250. I may be wrong about these figures as its been awhile since I used it, but its close. If you are in a hurry and have a large batch of diffent speed films its great. But....forget the zone system as there is no way to adjust development. You are also pushing the film quite a bit.
  2. I have had no trouble with Afga's RC paper, I have prints made ten years ago which still look fine. Maybe it's their silver rich paper.

    (Kodak and Ilford have reduced their silver content over the years) Anyway if you use two fixers and soak in a wash aid you should have no problems with the Afga.

    Fiber papers have their problems too, excessive curling, and the need to remove all traces of the fixer. As the fixer soaks into the paper you have to use wash-aides or a long wash time to remove it or you will never achieve archival quality.

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