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Image Comments posted by alex_taylor



    I was experimenting with light sources in this shot, trying to control

    the practical light more than I usually would; worked well! Feedback

    is appreciated. Top and bottom was slightly cropped.


    Great shot, perfect focus and DOF. I don't like the square frame, however. Was this cropped? I feel it could use more looking room to the right.

    red marker

    This looks like a mysterious red door in the middle of nowhere! Very eery. Great shot, the red just jumps out from the background! Did you take any more shots of this marker?
  1. There are some really amazing textures in this photo. It just throws you right in to the center! Nice and sharp, I like the unique composition. The bench and the boots anchor you and allow you to get your bearings as to what you're looking at!



    A lucky shot on the ferry to Vancouver. The birds were flying so

    close to the deck and at the same speed as the ferry so I took a few

    frames. Hard to keep them in focus with a manual lens :)

  2. I really love this shot.. I can't imagine how many frames you have of similar shots to this one! It was definitely worth it. I can't believe how parallel the bird and the plane are to each other, it's perfect.
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