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Image Comments posted by nuclearfurnace

    Lily Pads


    I would like anyone's thoughts on improving this photo. The

    background is rather blase and ugly compared to the subject. Any

    suggestions on cropping are appreciated. Thanks in advance.


    I like this one but I would really like to see the photo without the lamp in the picture. Is the subject the lamp or then object in the background?


    I like this one but I would really like to see the photo without the lamp in the picture. Is the subject the lamp or then object in the background?
  1. Taken this past winter at Holt Pond in Medfield, MA USA. There was a

    cold fog that enveloped the ice covered pond. I did my best to

    capture this using the single tree as the subject.

  2. I see, as with every PoW, commentary regarding photos that have been "done before". Most everything that is portrayed on the earth has been done at one time or another. Just try to come up with an original idea for a horror movie! Originality comes with the way an artist presents a scene that has been done and redone. Take the Simpson's sitcom for example. Just about every skit in that show has been done in a movie, on the news or in a TV show. Yet the creators have found amusing ways of presented the same old stuff in a new way. Granted, that may not apply to every photo in PoW that has been "done before" but I wanted to merely illustrate that a simple statement such as that holds no ground when considering the environment we live in. To those who still cry "unoriginal", I tempt thee to create a photo, in an environment, with unique framing that has never been portrayed in a painting, photo, film etc. It can be done, but not everyone here has done it, and not everyone can.
  3. I really just do not see anything remarkable about this photo. There is an extensive amount of bright (colored as well) glare off the subjects head which seems to add a cheapness to the photo. I also have to agree with previous statements about the choice of focus point, etc. I would also like to add that I feel there were much better choices in the photographer's collection than this.

    Downtown Chicago

    I think you have a good start, there are some distractions above and also to the left of the sign that would be better cropped out or at least out of sight. Maybe a different angle? Maybe standing further away and using a telephoto. You should go back and try different angles, etc. I do like the red glow on the empty table. The only real poor thing is the refelction on the left and visible portion of wall above the sign.


    I like it a lot actually. I would like it more if the road was cropped out and if it were composed tighter on the statua although not too much. The sky and the statue work very well together.

    Adam Bundled Up

    I really like this picture. The exression on Adam's face along with the composition with the wood (swing set?) in the background really makes this one catch your eye.
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