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Image Comments posted by divo

  1. Some really great character and composition in this shot. I see you are using Photoshop, so I'd like to see a bit more dodge and burn action to accentuate the finer detail of this shot.  I think working on the tonal variance in the grass and tree in the fore- midground would take this shot to a whole new level.  Also, if you shot this in RAW, it would be great if you could get at least a little detail back in the sky, possibly even with a basic expose for sky, expose for landscape blend of two layers.


    The cave2


    Great atmosphere!

    Technique-wise, your focal plane is situated right at the point where most of the detail of the photo gets blown out by the exterior light.  I might play with the exposure to get a bit more detail in that area. I would also lighten up the one figure on the right who is rising above the crowd to give the photo even more human interest, drama and impact.



    Generally pretty good, but I think many viewers have come to expect really smooth creamy tonal changes in the petals of this type of flower shot.  The capture on the carpels is great, but a bit stronger juxtaposition between the sharpness on the carpels and the smooth whiteness of the petals might kick this shot up a notch artistically.



    Thanks for the interest in this shot.  One of my favourites from this series.  I'm really getting into these minimalist studies/training exercises in colour, composition and texture, which is also why I call the gallery Etudes.



    Thanks for all the comments.  I really love these minimalist 'splash of colour' shots.


    @Bettie Coetzee Lambrecht: Hmm good question.  I started from the parking lot at St. Stephen's Church and headed across Buitengracht St. and did a big counter clockwise circle ending at Whale St. Your best bet would be to check down around Buitengracht between Short- and Longmarket Sts and look up the smaller streets there.  I may have gone as far as Berg St. or Hout La.  Sorry, I can't be more precise.  I used a different map when I was in SA and wasn't really paying attention to street names while I was walking around as I only had an hour or so before I had to dash to the airport.  However, this was one of the first shots that I took, so it can't be too far from the parking lot.  Just try not to upstage me too badly if you shoot the same thing! Nah, just kidding!  Happy shooting!



    Thanks for comments and suggestion.  Yeah, a bit more luminosity does give it a bit more punch in Lightroom.  I'll keep playing with it.

    LLD 002


    Pierre, thanks for your comments.  If you can't see the retouching, that is good enough for me!  (Well, at least at this size.  I'll have to check if/when I print it to see if it holds up.)  It's relatively subtle, but I have been working on the basics of skin, hair and make-up fixes over the last month.  I haven't gotten into anything like total-body-terraforming, yet!

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