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Image Comments posted by hayward



    We see a lot of cat photos and not many are as good as this. It seems like his front paws are in sharper focus than his green eyes, though.

    It Landed Here


    What makes this so good is the unusual eye-level perspective. Almost every turtle photo is top-down or head-on.  Love the well-captured macro details, too.

    Summer Sun


    Excellent. Not quite seeing her eyes and the clear lines of her features seem to give her a mannequin quality to the image. I'm sure you've considered the impact of the right foot being clipped out of the frame and found that it doesn't significantly impact the photo.

  1. Excellent photo. I've seen this mountain goats in Colorado and you've got a few of the elements that I think define them well: the patchy coat, the cute kid, the rocks. It seems like the colors might be a tad off and ideally the viewer would see a bit more mountain context. They could be interpreted as being on a relatively low hill, when the ones I've seen live a mile up (above the point at which trees stop growing.)



    I think it is good. What does the mom think? That's the important part.


    Things to think about: 1) It might be cropped to tightly. I would like to see more of the kids and possibly mom's encircling arm. 8x10 proportions would cut out some space you don't need at right. 2) f/2.8 is great for individual portraits, but with groups it is tough. It seems the like the kid at left is in sharper focus than the woman, perhaps because of the limited depth of field. The lighting is really good on that child, by the way. 3) I don't love the background. Maybe bringing them forward a bit would help obscure it even more.


    Just free advice that may be worth less than you paid for it...



    Great catch. The blood red glows and catches the eye. It's a fairly straightforward documentary style shot, but the mosquito makes all the difference.

  2. The photo took forever to load, so I had time to read your description before I saw the photo. I concluded that the photo would never live up to the story, but it did.

    That;s my way of saying the photo would stand on its own, though perhaps it would have more mystery and imagination to it without the story.

  3. It's kinda cool, but I would ask what you thought of when you saw the truck and what you would like the viewer to think.  As is, it is a little passive if that makes sense. Right now, you have the kind of viewpoint one would expect and that presents the truck in a very common sort of way. Zooming in on the rust and high weeds might give a feel for the decay of technology. Laying on the ground and shooting up at the truck would show its massive size. Maybe the payload has some interesting garbage.


    Technically, it is okay, though you might want a wider aperture to separate the background.

    Please post more.


  4. Great shot. Composed perfectly. Very provocative. The body language is just right.


    I thought it needed a little more detail at first. We can almost -- but not quite -- make out soft downy hairs on her abdomen and the lace isn't quite as crisp as it could be. The details tab says f/16, so I think the issue is that the image needs a little post process sharpening. Also, I not sure what can be done about it, but the tension of pulling down the panties night be selling the veins of the hand a bit too much. Everything else is relatively soft except the hand.

    Window view


    Certainly a classic pose and photo. Her legs look lovely. I'm not sure that f/8 is the best choice -- the "caution" writing, window hardware, and brick wall are too detailed and take attention away from the woman. It looks like maybe the point focus wasn't on her face and she looks a touch blurry. I also wish the light on her face was a little less intense.


    Thank you for sharing and allowing me to think about and comment upon your photo. It helps me get better.



    I'd enter it. Good luck.


    Cute kid. Great eyes. The halo of flowers with the more subdued background of flowers in different and interesting. I might clone that hard green vine(?) to the left of her head and ideally you would be at eye level instead of shooting down on her. I think the shirt could be darker/more contrasty. 


    A fine photo in any event. Tell us if you enter and win.



    Kinda interesting hot his hat makes a glowing halo. I think there is a better crop for you to make. The water bottles and orange balloon type thing don't add anything to the photo and take focus away from the guitarist (Is that Carlos Santana?)


    Also a centered subject isn't usually the best choice and the lion is clear and sharp and well it enough to compete with Carlos (or not-Carlos.) Maybe blur it a little.

  5. This is the sort of slice-of-life photo that has been done in b&w so often. It really works well in color, though. Without the dog and the colorful background, it would seem a little ordinary, but as shot, it is extraordinary.

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