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Image Comments posted by john_paskey


    Yes, excellent portrait. Good composition and exposure. Interesting subject against the black background which I like. Good lighting. Overall excellent photo.


    Good work. I think the lights actually take away from the composition though, sort of "confusing" the main subject of St. Mark's. A little perspective fixing to straighten out the top towers would make the photo a little better also. A little lower and you could have also included the tetrarchs but that is simply opinion. I do like the diffusing effect.


    In my opinion, on composition, there is too much "black space" on the top and left. It looks like a rooftop and thus seems to be a little too flat. Maybe a little sloping to the right would help.


    Not the best crop, could be sharper and it looks like some detail was lost.......other than that it works really well 6/6....great photo
  1. Good portrait shot - The first thing I saw were the eyes which is what you want. The blue background really works well and the "working feet" adds another good element. I don't particularly think the composition is excellent but I probably would have done worse myself. Overall excellent portrait.
  2. First off, a question. Have you ever met a homeless person who said

    they could not accept that much money? ...and it wasn't much by

    western standards. Probably the most prominent phrase I have ever

    heard in my travels. Also a tribute to the integrity I found in the

    peolple of Morocco. Second, I think I'm getting a little better at

    the color and sharpness when downloading to the sight. Let me know

    along with any other comments or ratings. I know that some will not

    like the bag but that is part of the memory. Thanks.


    Situation of circumstance. I do know that most photo's work better when the figure is facing "into the photo" rather than out of the photo but I thought this worked fairly well with the lamp leading into the figure. Thus the title "Followed". As for the shadow, it is there, on the ground, and I did not want to fake it and photoshop the shadow on the wall so I leave the photo as is. Think outside the box and for me all these "rules" are there to break. Thank you for the critique. Very appreciated and hope to see more from you. I can only learn from them. JP

    Remains of a Day

    Really good composition. I find myself asking how it would look with a little less foreground though. Other than that I can't see any other "questions. Great tones and shades. Very original shot of Death Valley.

    Lyrical autumn

    Great color, composition and originality. I think the photo would be closer to a 7/7 if the branch was a little sharper though. Other than that it is just about perfect.
  3. Great composition and color. I'm not too crazy about the framing but just my opinion and personal taste. Great view and the composition, with the inclusion of the table and chair really adds alot to the photo, bringing the viewer into it with the addition of the "human" element. Very good. I originally gave the photo a 5 for aesthetics but looking at it again, even though it`s not the sharpest and color could probably be better, I have to give it a 7 for composition.
  4. Very well done. Personally, I don`t think more human presence would make the photo any better. Great composition and color desaturation. Really good color on the train also, making it very "dramatic" against the black and white.


    Great photo. Very "smooth" yet sharp. Good composition and exposure. I think this might be one photo that would benefit from a good frame job. Overall, excellent photo, even without it.
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