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Posts posted by sheridan

  1. Patrick. Your situation is little different to many people's ...we all have our

    photo up's and downs. Just changing to another brand of camera has little to

    do with it. I'd stick to Leica ... the viewfinder alone is worth it. <p> Even being a

    pro photographer is no different as they have their up's and downs.<p> We all

    get tied in with life's obligations which can influence time and desire to take

    better pictures.<p> Just a simple suggestion to involve yourself a bit more

    ...offer to take images for friends, even accomodating strangers and to give

    them the results. You'll find they can be be excited by the prospect and should

    offer to cover you for your basic costs at least. This exercise I've found can

    increase your inspiration.

  2. Lucien. Thanks for the release news on the new 90mm.<p>I think the

    philosophy of design of this lens is somehow similar to the that of the rather

    short lived 3 element 90mm Elmar.In handling very compact, in performance

    very high and with the added capability of focusing close. (Extension tube

    versus Viso)<p>Jay has a point when he talks of the already high assortment

    of 90mm's on the market, and as a possible indication of this lens's sales

    success you might look at sales of the faster Elmarit against the little Elmar.

    However, I think looking past all of this, the intro of this new lens by Leica has

    to be a demonstration of not only it's optical excellence but the ability of he

    company to produce a lens that can do something different. I guess the R & D

    outlay on this little lens is as much a marketing requirement to keep up

    interest in Leica as a whole as to give the M user another a focal length that

    has been going for decades.

  3. "You take the picture we'll do the rest" has become a real burden for Kodak. In

    the meantime Canon and ors. free from the responsibility of carrying the

    technology of earlier years press ever onward with their affordable image

    production hardware. A relative of mine Phil Georges is a renowned

    computergraphics lecturer here in Australia. He is saying 30 million plus

    pixels photo imaging is on the drawing boards. Meanwhile, with all this going

    on, our beloved Leica is announcing the "new" 90mm Elmar with SOOKY type

    attachment . Don't you just love it.

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