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John Peri

PhotoNet Pro
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Posts posted by John Peri

  1. Unfortunately many of our members have left, I wonder if they are happier than before .. in my view, PN is unique and there is no better site than this.


    From time to time I read through the threads, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, yet often inexcusably lacking in empathy and patience. Sure we have our frustrations, I have my share too, but it's improving all the time. To say that the administrators don't care is like saying that they want their business to fail and lose money, which is pretty silly. The resources are obviously limited, but we are too are an essential component of PN, so let's continue to make the effort which many are already doing to give this site the support it deserves.

    • Like 5
  2. Hello tsypkin, let me try to answer this one. When you open up your picture, click on the photo then click on "view comments". You will find that when you critique other people's work ,there is more incentive to visit and comment on your work also. Best regards, John
  3. Being offensive has nothing to do with the OP. These derogatory comments towards women shouldn't have a home here.


    I sympathize, though I am sure no offense was meant .. Personally, I would have preferred something in the nature of "when the cat backs into the fan", though I adore cats too! That said, I wish someone would explain to me why in a country that is so sensitive over such issues (in France no one would have noticed it), forty four per cent of women voted for Donald Trump, despite his gros attitude and comments regarding them ... need I remind anyone about "grabbing them by the p ....y"! Oh dear, all this has nothing to do with linking from outside Photo net, but we do need a bit of distraction here..

    • Like 1
  4. Glen, what was really attractive in old pnet , it was old portfolio page, I could present my work by the themes like "City", "travel", "portrait ". It was actually working as photographer's website



    to which you may add were also attached the comments that we accumulated over the years. In my view, it was one of the most attractive features of PN1 which also dispensed with the need to have a personal webpage as you rightly say. Several of my friends joined the community after being introduced to this page.

    • Like 1
  5. At the risk of sounding a little contrarian, may I suggest that this may all be a little too complicated. For the last ten years and more, I have been using a digital camera with a standard kit zoom lens and a flash attached to the camera (NIKON D90 and SB800 flash). This would seem to me to be quite adequate, especially for someone who appears to be trying this for the first time. Frankly, in my view, the most important thing for this kind of photography is the relationship developed between the photographer and the model, not the paraphenalia that surrounds them which, moreover, an inexperienced model may even find a little intimidating.
    • Like 5
  6. 1 yr from today and u r freaked out. r u on drugs?



    Actually, I for one only drink wine, preferably certain vintages from Bordeaux, but alike a number of us I have a large number of subscriptions ongoing, on and off the net, and I don't want to have my account debited without prior notice .. : -)

  7. This is true, but in this case rather naive and a little more than annoying.


    Fred, I am certainly not naive nor did I manifest any intention to annoy, that statement is unjustified. My sole premise is that it is us that build the nation and not the other way around. It may be harder to communicate than it was before, but the greatest pleasure I derived from PN has always been the people that composed it. It is true alas that some are leaving, but I feel we still owe it to each other to keep this as profitable and pleasurable an experience as we can for those remaining, without us there is no PN.


    I am as irritated as anyone by the turn of events, though we still need to be patient. Moreover, as one of a number of regular contributors to the nude section, I feel somewhat marginalized today. Whether or not this is done on purpose I do not know, however I consider it both unfair and significantly short sighted, as we certainly have always done our share to increase traffic flow and hence presumably the profits also.


    There will always be those few that complain in demeaning terms about nude pictures featured here or there, knowing full well that all they have to do is to switch off the view of nudes so as to live and let live. One in particular has written long ago that he/she was leaving, but is still there “threatening” to leave.


    So you have your frustrations Fred, I have mine. It’s good nevertheless being here and able to argue with you, with or without the “error messages”. It is true however that I miss the views/comments that I used to get.

  8. John, did you previously auto renew through paypal? If so, there is an option to turn this off in your paypal account settings.


    If you renewed through your credit card, I'm pretty sure they have to notify you beforehand (at least in the UK) and you should be able to decline.


    Many thanks Norman, I will look into it in light of what you say ...

  9. Friends, a site is as good as its components, and we are a part of them .. I have no intention of leaving PN, but I would like to renew my subscription WITHOUT an obliged automatic renewal year after year. Administration, please look at this.
  10. If ratings must return, I would be in favour of subscribing members only being able to rate and be rated, in fact it could be offered as a bonus feature for subscribers.


    There are a lot of Trolls around, and they are less likely to behave as such if they have to pay for a subscription.

    • Like 2
  11. Glen, I followed this and deleted one image;it disappeared instantly from the portfolio page but stayed in the gallery on my Profile page but then,it keeps coming back to my portfolio page.Help!


    Same with me actually, and the photo even remains in the ask for critique section .. but I'm sure this will be solved in due course.

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