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Image Comments posted by gib

  1. Strange small barriers to getting out to shoot.  One is the simple heaviness of the d7100' and 18-140 lens combo. But I am working on a solution of sorts. One big change was reduction this week of number of treatments from four to three. So Three times of four hours of dialysis per week. When I switched to four it was crushing. So far a while at least I have regained some freedom. I hope to use the camera in that freedom.

  2. thanx, LK, things are on the mend, in CDN health care you have to wait a little for all the tests to happen, I have dropped about twenty pounds by eating less, eating fresh, and no salty foods which are everywhere, salt helps hold fluid, defeats some of the dialysis treatment effectiveness, but I am doing better. 

  3. Thanks....what a hard winter and I sit here a little fearful of the flood when the snow mountains melt...one phot I will have to show you, an 1860s militia helmet badge, about five inches in diameter, found by a metal detecting friend, you would hardly believe it had been in the ground, beautiful design, I dont have authorization to publish it.  Coffee soon.  Getting some work done on my car this week, perhaps next week?

  4. photonet and its side display function popped this up for me to open up -  man, is this a great shot.


    I would gladly love an enlargement of this matted and framed up.


    My family has a lot of Montreal history, my parents married there, my sister born there.  I showed up after the tribe moved to St. Catherines.


    Terrific shot, Len.



    congratulations on the technological leap forward, with your high quality "eye" - results should be terrific,  coffee soon,  my schedule is getting a little shake up right now, let me clue you in after all the dust settles

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