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Image Comments posted by ed_gass_donnelly


    Like I said, I was originally intended as a triple exposure over 2 frames but I need a 120 size tray or bigger to print the full image so I've been playing with printing just one frame for now.



    I haven't figured out a way to properly print this one yet. It is a

    triple exposure over two 35mm frames. I'll probably have to find away

    to attach the neg to a larger carrier. But in the meantime...this is

    one frame.

  1. Hey Dejan,


    I do like the second one better in terms of it's execution, but I think the first one could be even stronger than that one if you coould get the DOF. I think I'd even like the BG that you have (better than plain white) IF it was out of focus. I don't know what the zoom range is on that camera but is you could could shoot that with a longer lens from farther away you could compress the shot nicely and get more (or rather less) DOF.

  2. Hey Drake...I agree (to a VERY limited extent) with some of the above comments. I think this might have looked better in B&W.


    However, my real problem is that I can TELL the sheet was placed so precisely. I think if desperation and breed great innovation, so if see didn't want the sheet any lower, why not just raise it instead. The female form draped in a sheet can be very appealing. I think you could have explored a few other creative options with what you were limited to and come up with a more interesting pose that was still within your models comfort zone.


    I respect what your going for. It's tricky balancing visual ideas and another human beings willingness to execute them.

  3. I think it's beautifully captured...but I personally felt like it would have been more interesting to have the shoreline slope slightly and the beam of light shoot straight up. i tried it in PS and I just thought it gave more importance to the beam. That could just be me though. I tend to like asymetry.
  4. I was going to say the exact same thing about DOF. Except I'd be much more inclined to have a shallower DOF. Maybe the white pawn and a black pawn on eithr side in focus. I think the shallower DOF would also make the deep BG more interesting when non-descript.


    I'm curious, what part of the composition did you take your spot meter reading from? Seeing as one end is blown out and the other quite dark.
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