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Image Comments posted by dant

    Bear Tracks

    Some opinions: The fog or cloud splits the image right in the middle, leaving two parts that are too different in both pattern (nice both) and dynamic. The sky looks a little non-natural in context. The title is good because it makes me wander in search for bears :) I very much agree with the comment above.

    Challenge !

    Your photo is an intriguing one. I cannot even have a strong aesthetic conclusion about it. I'm too busy thinking to the characters and what they are doing :) Good!
  1. When it's about children I prefer more candid pictures. Nevertheless this is an aesthetically pleasant composition even if a little artificial. The blue eyes are the dynamic point.



    Thanks for the comment. The photo is a resized version of a file prepared (contrast and levels improvement) for a print that came out nice (imho) and sharp. That's why I wasn't enough attentive and I 'posted' actually the image that I have it on paper :) . I don't know if it is nice to replace now the photo with a sharper one [ or if this will help :) ].




    Todd Freeman: Indeed I didn't care to much about shadows when I choose to take the shot. I was attracted by the mood and geometry. I don't know if these two are the results of this photo. I agree that the shadows break the regularity of the shapes and also stops the light to be spreaded evenly.

    Antonio Pinter: Was it a random choice between 1 and 2? :)

    Thank you both for your input.

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