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Image Comments posted by livvie



    hummmmm... joke shot with "hidden depths" ... you could make a statement by playing this differently ... but as a joke it made me laugh - and then ponder


    a great double edged take!



    great colour!


    caught my eye cos of the great yellow/blue combination - also like the way the fabric is flowing in the wind and the colours of the impending storm which add drama

    Red Poppies


    am just so drawn to your flower photos/images which is strange as am not really a floral person. this one is just beautiful. the light from the top is excellent .. the grey area at the base is slightly distracting but only because the rest looks sooo good.


    am inspired and off to buy me some flowers!!

    ps you are right about the control gained with a digicam

  1. great capture david

    a face in the crowd ...noticed - what is she thinking? what has made her raise her head this way?

    the heads in the background/foreground make the photo imho and shold not be removed - if you do you are left with a portrait ... and no story


    when i took a look at your folder, this caught my attention because of thoughts provoked ... like it very much as is

  2. lovely location ... well observed and displayed

    re your choice of frame - its a break from the norm and works well - as a suggestion i would add a small detail from the pic on the "dark side"... possibly the hint of pattern of the frame in a gold shade

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