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robert reinlund

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Image Comments posted by robert reinlund


    I appreciate the effort regarding the different cropping, but I (of course) don't agree. First of all, the new cropping beheads the horse in a very brutal way. The new cropping is also unbalanced. The balance in the original enables the eye to wander between the different elements.

    This was not a planned picture. The guys next to the tent started to pull the horse closer, and the horse in the background was coming into sight behind the nearest horse. I ran 3-4 meters and managed to take this shot before the moment was gone. The picture is almost the whole negative; I just removed a little bit on the right side.

    But it is VERY nice to have people comment on my pictures and giving suggestions, thanks!



  2. These three Chinese kids were following me around at a vegetable

    marked in the north of Beijing. If I tried to take a picture, they

    ran away. They were hiding behind a bicycle when I took this picture.

    The sun had already disappeared, so I had to use the full stop on the

    85 mm to get exposure.

  3. This picture is from Guiyan in the southern part of China. I was there covering the visit of a Norwegian minister. On the way to the temple, I saw this old man sitting by a little bridge. As I approached he was preparing his pipe. I asked for a picture, and he nodded and fired up the pipe while I was clicking away. I smiled and thanked him for the pictures and had to run to catch up with the rest of the group. Unfortunately I don't know anything more about him.


    Robert Reinlund



    I was in Eritrea on a documentary project, near the Sudan border. We

    stopped for the night near the river Gash, and could hear a lot of

    screaming animals. A caravan of camels on its way across Eritrea

    didn't manage to cross the river. Local villagers tried desperately

    to drag the camels out of the river before sunset.


    I managed to shoot one roll of Tmax 100 before it became to dark,

    mostly using my 18-35 mm zoom with Nikon F4.


    This camel was the only one they managed to get loose before dark.

    Only one camel died during the night. 3 years earlier the same

    happened, and then over 40 camels were drowned during the night.


    the rest of my camel pictures:






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