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Image Comments posted by olivier1



    I thought that changing the contrast locally inside small rectangles

    was a good match for the geometric pattern of the floor seen from

    above. What does it do for you?



    Please also have a look at my other pictures in the same series. I'd

    like to know which one you find the most interesting (if any happens

    to trigger a reaction in that direction of course) and why





    This is my first attempt at black and white "street" photography. Any

    comment/suggestion is welcome. Please have a look at the pictures in

    the same folder, I'd welcome your opinions about them too!



  1. due to the fact that all the dark space is at the bottom, my attention continually shifts to the upper right corner of the picture. After a second thought, I think the dark space is not the only reason for that: it's really the most interesting and graphically striking part of your picture. The red structure with the girl in white clothes looks nearly surreal, an effect that gets reinforced by the "light paths" created by the long exposure. If you have a teleobjective and the opportunity to take similar shots, I'd definitely try to isolate such a feature within the scene rather than to go for the full panoramic view as you did. This might not be as easy as I make it sound, and this is of course highly subjective! cheers. Olivier



    Getting this angle was not as easy as one may think: I had to crawl

    on the floor in front of rather puzzled security people... the colors

    have been tweaked in photoshop, but the scene is rather artificial

    anyway, and the contrast was definitely very high... any comment


  2. maybe you could have opened a little more, to accentuate the impression that results from the fact that she's looking at the camera while the rest of the crowd turns its back. I feel the girl's head is too much in the center of the picture (but that's a matter of personal taste... I would probably have tried a vertical composition, at the expense of the nice yellow saree on the right). anyway, light is indeed very nice and it's altogether a good picture! cheers. olivier
  3. the branch just behind the mother is a little bit disturbing and it would probably be a perfectly justified case for using photoshop. Of course focusing on such a minor detail means there really isn't much to say about the rest of the picture except that it's as sharp as one could wish and that you caught this bird in an interesting position. Well done!

    A bug's view

    I really like the lighting effect you got here, but I'm less a fan of the composition: I feel the sun is somewhat too close to the 2 flower groups, and that it makes the picture a little bit unbalanced, while the colors and the light call convey a quieter, less dynamic mood. It's just nitpicking of course, and framing with the lens pointing directly into the sun is of course not that easy... cheers. olivier


    I agree that the circular clouds draws quite a bit of attention, but this is a really good thing in my opinion: it gives the picture a sort of mystical mood, where you feel that the stones are nearly lifted toward the sky. Well done. Minor nitpicking: Actually I would have cropped some of the grass to accentuate the importance of the sky. Guess it's personal.

    One red flower


    I'm having lots of fun these days partially desaturing pictures like

    I just did for this one. While I like the result for myself, I'd be

    curious to know how you feel about it: too artificial, just

    uninteresting, or does it add something for you too?


    I think the light is a tad too hard for the type of atmosphere I usually associate with such places (read quiet and contemplative). This is of course due to the fact that the scene has a relatively high contrast and you chose to retain the details in the shadows. I'm suggesting the result may have been better if you had slightly underexposed this shot. regards. Olivier


    The light *looks* somewhat unrealistic, but it's not a major problem for me, and helps to create a mood. I'm a little bit puzzled by the yellow object near the center of the frame, slightly to the bottom. It does not really look like it belongs to the building. What is it?
  4. Erick, I have mixed feelings about the mike cutting the face of the singer in two. While I found it interesting in the beginning, I am starting to wonder whether it does not draw too much attention to the detriment of the singer himself. Of course it may have been difficult/impossible to do otherwise, and overall this shot nicely captures a punck rock concert atmosphere. In that sense, you clearly met your goals. Cheers. Olivier
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