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Posts posted by matt_bevers

  1. Why not get a pentax *ist-D and the limited lens set (31/1.8, 43/1.9, 77/1.8)?


    Honestly, I don't have an *ist-D or any Pentax limited lenses, but since you're looking

    for some unique qualities in lenses and don't have an apparent manufacturer

    preference, you might want to look into your third option. Pentax also makes a 24/2,

    35/2, and 85/1.4 that are generally well regarded.


    May as well consider all possibilities ;-)

  2. The slow aperture is the cause of the overexposing. The same thing happened to me

    with an old M 28/2.8. I would recommend using the same solution I did - buy a new

    one. The 35/2.8 typically isn't considered one of the greatest pentax lenses (not that

    it's bad in any way either), so you can probably find a replacement cheaper than you

    can have it fixed.

  3. I'll second the ME Super recommendation. It will give her aperture priority in addition

    to manual, but the manual shutter selection is via push-butto. If she wants to stay

    with something more traditional, you might take a look at the MX. Fully mechanical

    like the K1000, but with some nice features like DOF preview and the aperture visible

    in the finder. I own both the MX and ME Super (as well as the Super Program) and

    they are both very capable cameras. Go with the MX if she prefers to shoot in manual,

    the ME Super if she'd like something with some automation.

  4. I just looked at the 28-80 lens you mentioned. That's an auto focus lens and so it

    might be less than ideal for use on a manual focus body. It will work fine, but if you

    don't win the auction you might want to look out for an older manual focus model.

    Again, look at that link I gave you to get an idea what's out there.



  5. I would maybe avoid that Takumar lens. Pentax K-mount lenses labeled

    takumar are generally of lesser quality (not true for screw mount lenses, but that's

    not what you need). I would look at one of the following lenses


    Pentax SMC-M 80-200 f4.5




    Pentax SMC-A 70-210 f4


    The latter is probably better, but the former is probably a bit cheaper. For more info

    on pentax lenses in general, take a look at this page:





  6. This particular Pentax forum has only been open for about a week now...that's why

    there aren't many questions. Perhaps you're thinking of the Pentax medium format

    forum here or the PDML (www.pdml.net)?


    As for survival, Pentax seems to be making plenty of money selling digital P&S

    cameras. They recently released a new 35mm SLR and their digital SLR can already be

    ordered and should be in the hands of early purchasers any day now.


    Don't switch brands because you're worried about Pentax's health, switch brands if

    there's something you need that Pentax can't give you and someone else can.

  7. I asked a while ago about good 400ASA color negative film for scanning. The

    consensus seemed to be in favor of Porta 400 UC or NC. I just got the first roll of UC

    back, and I'm having some trouble with colors - everything looks a little too blue-

    green for my taste. In vuescan's color settings I used portra 400VC for the film and

    white balance for the color balance settings. Anyone know of any options that might

    work better than this?


    If I get a chance, I'll upload a photo tomorrow when I get back to my other computer.

  8. Admittedly, I tend to skim over the mac/pc posts in this forum, but I feel like I've

    seen more than one post which was started just to say "Ha - apple is lying, the G5

    isn't going to be fast or really 64-bit anyway, why don't you all buy PCs." It also


    like I often see support for this statement in the form of "Yeah, and I deploy lots of

    cheap, fast windows servers, so I don't know why anyone would buy a Mac for any

    reason at all, I mean really, if Apple can make an enterprise-level database server can

    their computers be any good for anything?"


    A side point: Apple's ads show people blaming problems on "Windows

    PCs" that is, both the hardware and the software. Their argument is that by making

    both, Apple makes things easier. This is true for some people, and not for others,

    but I don't think Apple is trying to imply that Microsoft builds PCs.


    I use a Mac most of the time these days, and I have to say I can't stand blind

    Microsoft bashing/excessive Mac evangelism anymore than anyone else can. I also

    don't see much reason to spend hours debating benchmarks. What I don't get

    though, is why Windows users always get so defensive when someone is happy about

    using a Mac or when someone posts a question asking if they should consider a Mac

    for their next purchase. It's a valid topic, because there are differences, and people

    should be informed. I think the attitude that we should all use Windows because it's

    cheaper and more commonly used is just as dangerous as the attitude that we

    shouldn't use Windows because Microsoft is an evil monopoly. People should be

    given the info they need to evaluate things based on the merits.


    Scott, I think you make good contributions here, but I sometimes get the feeling from

    a your posts on this topic that you would be happier if there simply was no discussion

    of the Mac at all. I think that's about as fair as saying that we shouldn't discuss

    anything photographed with Minolta or Pentax since "pros only use Nikon or Canon".

  9. I haven't shot color negative film in quite a while because I was never happy with the

    results I got from scanning it. I'm happy with using Provia 100F for most things, but I

    don't love the way it makes skin look and I need some extra speed every now and

    then. So, I'm wondering if anyone has had success with scanning some of the newer

    negative films. Subject will mostly be people, so good skin tones are my highest

    priority. I'd be specifically interested in anyone's experience with good film for the

    Minolta Scan Dual used with Vuescan. I've searched the archives, but most info I've

    been able to find is somewhat out-of-date. If anyone knows of a good thread I might

    have missed, please point me to it. I'm obviously going to test a few things myself,

    I'd just like some suggestions for where to start.

  10. That lens is supposedly a Tamron 28-200 with a Pentax name slapped on it. While I

    haven't used one, it is probably one of the worst lenses Pentax sells. The MZ-5n is a

    good body, and while Canon does make some better bodies, you aren't going to see

    an improvement over the 5n until you spend some serious money. As for lenses,

    Pentax primes and more expensive lenses are just as good as Canon's, Canon does

    have a little better selection. The same goes in reverse, Canon's cheap lenses are

    probably just as bad as those that Pentax sells. Your best bet would be to get a

    Pentax FA 50mm f1.7 or 50mm f1.4 and see if that improves things before you spend

    a lot of money to switch brands.

  11. Those are the "Amana Colonies" outside of Iowa City which are more like old German

    settlements than Amish. There is also a town called Kalona, which is in an area with a

    lot of Amish. These two things aren't the same and would both be interesting. Bear

    in mind that the Amish typically object quite strongly to having their photo taken so it

    would be best not to try.


    There is also some interesting architecture at the University in Iowa City and some

    nice rolling hills and cornfields just outside of town. Best of all, Iowa City is just of I-

    80, making a stop pretty easy if you're heading west.

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