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Everything posted by crawf

  1. crawf

    I said it's mine

    red-bellied woodpecker defending his spot against a house sparrow even more assertively
  2. crawf

    this one's mine

    red-bellied woodpecker defending his spot against a house sparrow
  3. crawf

    late season hummer

    ruby-throated hummingbird making a pit stop on her migration south
  4. crawf

    it doesn't get any fresher

    double-crested cormorant about to have lunch
  5. perhaps our last visitor of the season migrating south
  6. crawf

    tongue shot

    is our immature red-bellied woodpecker sticking his tongue out at a starling just out of frame?
  7. crawf

    I was here first!

    immature red-bellied woodpecker defends his spot at the suet from a starling
  8. crawf

    how does this thing work?

    immature Baltimore oriole going to old grape jelly location
  9. immature Baltimore oriole checking out the hummingbird feeder which is where the grape jelly once was
  10. crawf

    final showdown

    winner, winner, suet dinner
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