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Image Comments posted by manuel.rincon

    Culture shock


    Usually, I do not like contrasts, but this time a saw interesting

    lines and colors. Also for this picture I would be interested in

    knowing for which audiences it can be exhibited. Thank you.

  1. I still wonder. I guess it is a composition. If it is real, yes, i need a sketch. Also, it is not obvious to do that 8 feet above earth. I am myself a mountain biker, and that bike is a freeride or downhill one around 20 kilos of weight. But, in short, if it is not a composition, congratulations because you have a picture to publish in Bike or any other best magazine. Manuel.
  2. Ha ha ha. Blago, one of your amazing shots. It looks absolutely amazing that you have found this combination without posing. A dark man dressed in white with a white girl dressed in black, and a dark background. Fascinating. In terms of composition, I would suggest to cut up to knees, since feet are definitely gone.


    It is very interesting the fact that we both chose one pic from Jerusalem to publish and it was the same alley with a very similar woman. I agree that yours is a very beautiful shot, perfect. Technically, you have decided to enhance the contrast more than I did, which does not look like a bad decision. By the way, do you live in the city?



    Imagine she is dressed! My comment to that photo would be: What this girl is expressing by crossing her arms is that she doesnt want to be there. If art is about expressing something, what this girl is expressing IMHO is: I DONT LIKE IT! This said, I see nudity as a way to reach freedom and I think art plays a very important role to open new ways to achieve social evolution. Art can educate perceptions, values and, at the end, behaviours. And one last thing, we, the rest of the world, should learn in this respect from north europeans.


  3. I like here the sculpture as a phantom related to the dark woods. But the best is the taste you have for framing. Very beautiful picture. As a very little suggestion, it looks weard the cropping that doesnt keep the 2/3 original ratio.

    Sweet Home


    Very beautiful shot. However, I do not understand shadows. Maybe it has been done with a system of flashes, but given the halos, I think this is a composition of two pictures with different sun locations. This gives the picture a sense of ireality that may work as a transilvanian picture.


  4. Blago, this is another one of your extremely interesting shots. By the way, have you realized how these type of pictures drive the viewer's eye first and for some seconds to the image on the right? Have you ever thought about how to counterpart this effect?
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