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Image Comments posted by samantha_reynolds


    He looks like a boy who knows his father is proud of him (based upon my assumption that the man standing next to him is his father). Very nice portrait.

    Crew Cut

    There are a lot of beautiful flower shots here! But I agree with Jodie; this one is my favorite. For some reason it just stands out from the other thumbnails. Great composition!

    Three Poles

    I agree wholeheartedly with Steve Bingham when he said, "Great photographs all have one thing in common, and that would be emotional content. They have a feeling." This photo has that. Choosing to lighten it up, crop it or change it in any way would completely change what Jeff saw in this image. This is 'Three Poles' through Jeff's eyes. Isn't it a photographer's job to convey their own interpretation of the world? BTW, I prefer Jeff's. Congratulations on POW!
  1. What a beautiful creature! Usually, in photos, we see the owl in a tree in the forest or maybe in a cactus in the desert. This is unique (or at least it is to me). Very good depth of field- the blurred grassy hill makes the perfect backdrop. Bravo!


    Did you have to be very patient? I do wish the focus was a little sharper, and that stick was not there above its head. Otherwise, good job! Look forward to more!
  2. Very nice picture! I prefer the colored version, even though to me the green in the background distracts the eye from the child. Maybe if the background was less in focus, or cropped more. Keep up the good work!
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