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Posts posted by gee-bug

  1. I'm considering getting a Winder-M for my M6TTL, and wondering if I

    should consider one of the older types (14402) instead of the

    current version. The current version is indeed smaller and more

    ergonomic, but the older version is more economical, with more

    common batteries. Any words of wisdom here? BTW, I want a motor,

    not a rapid winder. Thanks.

  2. I've used the Shade, Sling, Steer, and Scoop. They are neat accessories at first (except the Scoop). After awhile you wonder what it would be like without them, so one day you stop using them and find the camera is more ergonomic without these accessories.


    The Shade dims the framelines too much in low light situations. For me this is more of a pain than the flare it prevents. The Sling is nice when I'm in one of my "I hate neck straps" phases, but I find it too restrictive, and it is hard to get your fingers out in a hurry. I prefer the Leica wristrap + Leica grip combination. The Steer is pretty nice on the Noct, I'd say this is the most useful accessory. But since I often carry my Noct in combination with the Leica never-ready case - yes, I do use the front cover, gasp! - and since the "tab" on the Steer interferes with closing the front cover I stopped using it. The Steer also makes it a pain to insert or extract the lens from a camera bag. The Scoop is poop, a cheap little plastic disk with a hole in the middle, the rough edges hurt my eyebrow.


    On the other hand these are the least expensive Leica accesories you can find, so why not give them a try and see for yourself?

  3. Great lens choice. I recently got the 50 Elmar to accompany my Noctilux. Simply put, I love the Elmar. I had the best first "test roll" ever, and continue to get great results with that lens. It is the opposite end of the spectrum from the Noctilux as far as size and focusing ease is concerned. 50mm is my favorite focal length for Leica M, so having two seems justified to me.
  4. I had a Canon S50 that I returned after a week. It was a great little camera: 5MP for $499, and the US version is black finish! However, it quickly convinced me that I love full manual control without bells and whistles. The shutter delay, and never quite understanding what the camera was doing really annoyed me. Also, I accidentally deleted some "keeper" pics, which pissed me off royally.


    That said, I have a 2.1MP Canon S300 that is great for times when digital is convenient. I've used it for office party pictures, house hunting, furniture shopping, inane travelog pics, ebay sales, etc. It is good for pictures I only want to keep around for a short time. For permanent <b>photography</b>, there is Leica.

  5. <img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=1439693&size=lg"><br>Palm Frond, 50 Elmar-M<br><br>

    Don't believe the malarkey about Leica M being only a "people" camera. You made a good choice with the 50 Elmar-M. It is the most underated M lens, IMHO. I recently got one and find it is now my most-used lens, mainly because it is so portable. I got the leather belt pouch and wrist strap with the lens and love it.

  6. Thanks for all your advice. Well I did it: just got a mint used chrome 50E for $350 from Joe Hollins at <a href="http://www.denverprophoto.com" target=_blank>Denver Pro Photo</a>. Joe also gave me a deal on the little belt pack and wrist strap too, brand new for $70 (usually $129). I highly recommend doing business with Denver Pro Photo. So far, I'm in love with the lens: the focus ring is smooth as silk - better than the cron I had. I'll give a review when I get some film developed.
  7. I had problems focusing my Noct until I went to a "Leica Day" at a local shop. The visiting Leica tech proclaimed my .72 M6TTL out of adjustment and recommended sending it to Leica NJ for repair. I did so and have had much better luck focusing at F1 since. Nevertheless, if I keep this lens, I think I'll get a 1.25 magnifier to aid in focusing.
  8. I've had the beast for 4 months, and had some amazing results and

    some not-so-amazing results. The thing that bothers me most is the

    SIZE. I got into Leica for its diminutive size and weight: to be

    able to carry it anytime and shoot without feeling conspicuous. The

    Noct negates that very premise. Every time I unveil it I feel the

    eyes of the world upon me: "Look at that huge lens!" "My, he must

    be a professional photographer!" This is the very reason I got out

    of my Nikon, Mongo-Lens outfit.


    On the other hand, F1 is divine. I love the swirly, dizzy, out of

    focus areas, and being able to shoot Velvia indoors. But I have a

    love/hate relationship with the low contrast/softness of this lens.

    But, it lives on my M6 full time. But, I always feel obligated to

    shoot at F1. But, but, but... I dunno, I think waiting 10 more

    rolls is warranted. Do any other Noct owners go through this

    torture, or is it just me? Please share...

  9. Aye, the Noctilux wide open is not the contrast king. It has a "creamy" quality wide open that I am growing to like. I compared the Noctilux @ f2 to the current version Summicron @ f2, on a tripod, with the same subject, lighting, film (Tri-X), etc., and could definitely see a difference. The Noctilux was softer, with more pleasing OOF areas. The Summicron had more tonal range, and was generally sharper, but had rather "wiry" OOF areas.


    There are times when I still wish I had the Summicron (I sold it), but the Noctilux practically lives on my camera full time, which was not the case with the Summicron.

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