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Posts posted by schopke

  1. Are any of you planning on attending the 2002 Winter Olympics in Utah? I am from Provo, Utah. Only about 40 minutes outside of Salt Lake. I am planning on spending every waking minute shooting. The energy of all these people from around the world in my backyard. Well I am excited about it. I was wondering if other Leicaphites were planning on attending. and what they are expecting to do while they are here.




    I will be following the torch through Utah...Will not attend the opening ceremony...But will watch it on the TV. I got tickets for my family. All 15 of us will be going to two events, only cost us $1,790. We will be going to the 4 Man Bobsled and the Short Track Speed Skate. Very Excited. There will be free concerts every night. Parties nightly all along the Wasatch Front (The Wasatch Front is a portion of the Rocky Mountains spanning about 100 Miles north and south).




    If any of you are planning on coming to the Olympics I would love to hear from you. I would also like to share the outcome of the Olympic images taken while at the Olympics. VERY EXCITING!

  2. Look out for Gypsies!




    My father went to Florence and kept his belonging in his fanny pack.

    A bunch of young girls (around 12 to 13 years old) came running up to

    him. The surrounded him ans were making these happy sounding shrieks,

    like they were groupies and he was a movie star. They were also

    patting his area around his waist al the way around his body. He

    carries an umbrella everywhere! He took his umbrella and strated

    beating these girls on their heads very HARD with his umbrella. The

    girls were not expecting that and ran off a short way. They all

    stopped, still in sight of my father and were looking back, fearless,

    trying to see what he was doing. My father looked down and saw that

    his fannie pack had been unzipped...nothing was stolen. The whole

    event took only three or four seconds and these girls were pros!




    I wouls look into a new CRUMPLER bag. These bags were designed for be

    strong enough for the street theives in Europe. The strapping is sewn

    into the bag. The strapping is thick and strong enough to keep a

    thief from coming up to you and cutting you strap then running off

    with your bag. As well there is an exterior flap that both buckels

    and velcros; another interior flap with additional velcro. The bags

    are designed to be worn cross ways across your chest and back. You

    put the bags on over your right shoulder then over your head. It rest

    on your neck/shoulder on the opposite side. It can quickly be

    switched/rotated from your back to your side to a position in front

    of you. Great bag!




    Remember...when traveling in Italy...CARRY A BIG STICK.




    Lots of luck and have FUN.

  3. My wife bought me a Noctilux for christmas. I LOVE it! The lens is so fast, it is a blast to use when light is not available (well almost not available). now I am thinking of buying a Summilux 75. I have heard that it is "the sharpest" of the leica M lenses. I have also heard that the Summilux 75 has "the Leica look" more so than most leica lenses. Is this true? Ay knowledge/experience would be great! I also REALLY would like to find as much technical data on the lens as possible (ie MTF charts andbench test). Thank you much in advnced.
  4. The cheaper lens is a "grey market" lens. It means that KBCamera has

    imported the cheaper lens direct from a source outside the US. The

    lens is exactly the same. The cheaper is warranted by KB Camera for

    manufacture defcts only. The more expensive lens has a "passport"

    warranty direct from Leica. My understanding from Pictureline (camera

    store in Salt Lake City) is that the Leica warranty also warrants for

    things like dropping your lens into a lake or on the pavement etc.

    Please check for yourself at KB Camera. Please do not rely upon me.




    I just purchased a Noctilux 50mm f1.0 fro KB Camera "grey market", it

    is exactly the same. I love it! I showed it to salesman at

    Pictureline and then showed him the KB Camera site. He said he was

    gonna go out and by himself one... It was cheaper than he could buy

    it with his employee discount.

  5. I found this posting in the "Philosophy of Photography" Forum:




    "Many thanks to Philip Greenspun for coming up with the software that drives this forum, and for hosting it (i.e. running the server, greenspun.com, on which the software runs).

    Unfortunately, Phil tells me that greenspun.com is no longer being maintained, and will, at some time in the near future, go away.

    Which means that this forum will die. I have written to the photo.net people asking if they would host it, but they haven't replied. Perhaps they are not interested.

    Does anyone have any good ideas?"

    -- Alan Gibson (Alan.Gibson@technologist.com), December 21, 2001




    Does anybody have any thought about this? Has anybody heard this before?

  6. I would like to know your oppinions on the future of Film Photography and M Photography. I was reading the current issue of PDN (Photo District News). On page 18 of the December 2001 issue is a report on Polaroid. In the article PDN has stated:




    "...It was just a matter of time before computer chips would capture and store images, and film would go the way of glass plates...We are all [Professional Photographers] in the midst of a transformation to digital imaging....for many photographers, this transformation resulted in a signifcant drop off in the use of professional Polaroid film [film], and of course OTHER FILMS TOO."




    Does this concern other people also? I have two Hasselblads, five Hasselblad lenses, an M6 and three Leica M lenses. I am by now means trying to brag. My point is only that I have all of this equipment and I often worry about how long 35mm,120 and 4X5 film will be available. I once emailed John Sexton about this his reponse was:




    "I don't have any real answers or advice about the future of "traditional" vs "digital" photography. I am reminded of the fact that not long after the turn of the 20th century many photographers where bemoaning the "death" of platinum and palladium printing as commercially viable products and procedures. Today, however, there are still many dedicated photographers using these materials based on their aesthetic desires and choices. I'm sure it will remain the same with "traditional" silver imaging.




    Even John Sexton was unsure to some degree of the mainstream livelyhood of traditional silver film and paper. Is film on the way out? what are your thoughts?

  7. I think the "Hate It" is a psychological perspective. I have two

    Hassie's with four lenses. Hassie is great! It has a dstinct purpose.

    I too thought tha RF was acutally a draw back. I bought an M6,

    basically because a friend told me to. I bought an M6 and a 50mm Cron

    f2. The feal of the camera was wierd. After a while the feel became

    so nice! It no goes everywhere with me.




    Range Finders (esp. Leica) have a long Range Finder Base. When you

    focus with a Leica you are actually looking at the edges of the image

    as the come together. It is an angular perspective when focusing. The

    system uses a triangulation method. This method when used is 10 times

    for accurate than a Hassie or any SLR. Especially when dealing with

    focus when indoors and/or in low light situations. Erwin Puts

    actually did a large study on this (

    http://www.imx.nl/photosite/leica/technics/rfaccuracy.html ) look it





    Leica's are small and use a smaller format neg....... but when

    looking at a leica neg the texture, the contrast, the FEEL...I am a

    professional photographer and my Hassie will not do what my leica

    will do.




    The camera is so quite! no mirror locking up! no vibrations! People

    look at an M6 (average people) and they do not think the camera is a

    serious camera. it lloks like a play toy to them......IT IS NOT!

    because of this, when shooting at a wedding all eyes are on the bride

    first then the photographer. If I want to sneek up on people to

    capture true candids, to capture that true photojournalistic quality,

    the Hassie is SO BIG that people see me coming and completely stop

    what they are doing to watch me. People stop acting natural and

    stare! This bother me. It iterupts people. It interupts the feel, the

    mood, the shot. I employ my Leica for the candids of both the bride

    and groom and guests.




    The fast lenses! they are great. The speed that the body adds. Stop

    and think about it. Cannon has a 50mm F1.0....SUPER FAST! Because of

    the mirror the slowest shutterspeed you can use is 1/60th sec. hand

    held. Leica has a 50mm F1.0 (totally different than the Cannon) but

    because the Leica does not have a mirror you can use a 1/30th sec.

    shutter speed. ONE STOP FASTER! Then consider the light you loose in

    the viewfinder of the Connon; if you are shooting a f1.0 and 1/60th

    how will you be able to accurately focus? So the Leica system is

    really TWO STOPS FASTER!




    Think about it. You have a leica...people (average blokes) already

    don't take the canera seriously...it is dark outside...you are

    shooting at f1.0 and 1/30th...people don't hear the shutter...people

    don't see a flash...people think "those pictures will never turn out.

    But you get perfectly exposed pictures...perfectly focused...pictures

    you could never have captures with any other system...KEEP YOUR


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