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Posts posted by brian_m2

  1. I just installed Nikon View and Capture Editor (trial version). I

    installed Capture Editor because of its enhanced ability to deal with

    NEFs over Adobe RAW; however, I admit to being a little ticked off

    when my ability to use Adobe RAW seemed to disappear! When I had PS

    CS open and tried to open a NEF file, the Capture Editor dialogue box

    came up (and not even the full one; it was Editor-lite). Adobe RAW

    dialogue box was nowhere to be found. Anyone else have this

    experience? What did you do to get Adobe RAW back?

  2. I too have an N90s and a new D70. Haven't really gotten rolling on the d70 yet, but I love the B&W darkroom too. I bought a bigger bag so I can carry my n90s with a 24/2.8 attached, and my other primes and D70. I'm going to keep the n90s loaded with TriX and use it exclusively for B&W (I don't think inkjets can yet achieve the quality in B&W that wetwork can (or at least I can't get it to do so)), developed in soup and prints from the enlarger. The D70 will be for color and post-processing in PS and printed on the 2200. Boy am I excited..
  3. I use the 1.4D on my D70 a lot. Beautiful photos even wide open. With it wide open last night for photos of kids in front of the Christmas tree, however, at iso 1600 there was a ton of noise (in RAW) that not even Noiseware could remove. But I don't think that was a lens problem. The real point is, I was able to take handheld candids by the light of a couple of weak tungstens and Christmas tree lights.
  4. I know that custom curves must be loaded onto the D70 through Nikon

    Capture. If I take NEF photos with a custom curve loaded, what do I

    have to do to start with those curves in Photoshop CS? I read that

    when you use Adobe Camera RAW to convert, it just ignores all of the

    custom curve info. Can I convert using Nikon Capture then import

    into PS CS? Am i losing a lot of data by doing that?

  5. I've seen some hints on other threads about techniques to use to

    reduce high iso noise when taking the photo in RAW - the one that

    comes to mind is to make sure you don't underexpose because using the

    PS CS RAW converter will increase/accentuate noise in the shadows.

    I'm using very good noise reduction software but it wasn't able to

    take care of all of the noise in an iso 1600 photo from my d70. Shot

    with available low tunsten lighting in front of a Christmas tree;

    corrected the lighting and raised exposure by 1.5 stops in CS RAW

    converter. Terrible noise.


    Besides correct exposure (why my d70 underexposed like that is

    another question), what else can I do in technique to reduce high iso



    And, is there something more sophisticated than just running it

    through noise reduction software that I can do in PS CS to reduce

    noise without artifacting?



  6. I've been asked for a recommendation for a digiP&S and printer combo

    by a friend for her husband's Christmas present. I don't know much

    anymore about the p&s market or printer capabilities because I've

    been comfortably seated in my SLR and Epson 2200 world for a few

    years now. I don't know how much she's prepared to spend, but not

    that much - probably about $350 max for the camera, less for the

    printer. Here's the thing: he'll have no interest in printing

    larger than 5X7, and will not have Photoshop CS or any sort of really

    sophisticated program. He also will not be color managing. I'm

    thinking one of the newer direct-print printers is the way to go, and

    I wouldn't advise less than a 5 megapixel camera, although at 5X7 I

    know that 4 mp would be fine; it's just that I don't know why you'd

    buy less than 5 now that the price is so low.


    Any ideas for combos?

  7. I like this thread because I'm considering the d70 but am also wondering whether I should wait for the D100 upgrade which will probably be 8 MP. I would like to be able to make frameable landscape prints at 13X19 (on a 2200). I want to buy now, but don't want buyer's remorse when Nikon announces a new camera at PMA in February.


    Question: to get a good 13X19 print from a 6 MP print you have to upsample, no? Assume RAW capture. Better to upsample in the RAW conversion, in PS CS "straight", in PS CS using increments of 10% (which I heard is now unnecessary given CS's improved upsampling algorithm), in Nikon Capture, or using Genuine Fractals? Which will result in the best retention of detail (or at least masking of loss of detail)?

  8. Assume a D70 with 8 MP (like the 20D)but otherwise no differences from the D70 on the market now. Would there be a noticeable difference in the tonal range and sharpness (ie, the important parts of resolution) of RAW pics between the two at 13X19? The 6 MP would need to be upsampled to get that size at 300 DPI. Would the 8 MP? Would the 8 MP have deeper tonal quality? And, is the difference (if any) one that upsampling in the RAW conversion would not negate?
  9. I've got a very fast computer (64-bit Athlon XP processor, 1 gig of

    RAM, large HD with plenty of room left on it), but my newly-installed

    PK Sharpener plug-in makes PS CS run extremely slowly when I try to

    use creative sharpen on a psd file. Granted, it's a large file (300

    dpi at 13X19), but I'm talking very very slooooooowwwww. An

    hourglass for 3-4 minutes kind of slow.


    Has anyone had any problems like this? If so, is there a fix?

  10. I'm just a hobbyist and only want to keep one digital camera at a time. Don't need two. If one breaks it goes in the shop and I'll shoot film with my n90s for a while.


    I just want to see if the D70 can print sharply at 13 X 19. I have a friend with one; I'll borrow his and make a print. But I wanted those who have compared D70 with an 8 MP camera to chime in and tell me whether it really makes a difference.


    Another issue is overall tonality. The tests I've seen show that the 20D reflects more subtle, deeper color tones than the D70, and overall has just a better tonal range. Is this true, and do you think it relates to the number of pixels? i.e., will a 6 MP file have less tonal range than an 8 MP file when they are both sized the same for print?

  11. Thanks for all of the responses; you've given me a lot to think through. I've considered waiting a long while for a DSLR and getting a Coolscan 5000 right now instead, to deal with my modest backlog of slides (plus I love shooting with Velvia 50, and I hate to give up the wide-angle capability of my 24/2.8). My printer (2200) can handle the range. But I've been sort of scared away from that by all of the stories of problems with various scanners (5000, V, Min 5400) and the tweaks necessary to turn out even decent photos - not to mention all of the extra software everyone seems to think is necessary (VueScan, etc.)! I'm not interested in becoming a scan maven/guru, so maybe I'll just wait until PMA to see if Nikon announces a D200 to compete with the 20D. Just a couple of months away, right? If no news, I'll spring for the D70. If they announce something, I'll see when it's to be released and evaluate my options then.
  12. Well, after agonizing whether to buy a D70 for Christmas or wait,

    I've decided to wait until Nikon introduces a competitor to the 20D,

    hopefully next year. My primary reason is this: I will want to

    print as large as 13 by 19 (though no larger, probably), and most of

    the posts here have concluded that the 20D's image quality

    outperforms the D70's image quality in a noticeable way (although not

    too noticeable). I could afford the 20D but have Nikon lenses, so I

    figure I might as well wait until Nikon introduces a camera at that

    price/quality point to compete with the 20D (the D200?).


    The reason I'm posting this is, am I missing something? Is this a

    reasonable course of action? Or are my concerns easily fixed by the

    improved upsizing capabilities of PS CS (or Genuine Fractals), or the

    110% trick? Is there really a difference to speak of in tonal range

    between the two cameras? Am I waiting for nothing?

  13. I've shot a roll of Velvia 100 and Velvia 50 and want to get a few of

    the slides scanned for fine art printing. Although I'm not

    interested in spending $$$$ on the scans, I would like to get as much

    out of them as I can. My vendor works with a Coolscan 4000 and is

    willing to let me set the scanning parameters as I like. My question

    is, what do I tell him? Hint: The result I want is to print no

    larger than 12 by 16, but it must look really good and bring out the

    color saturation of the Velvia. I want to work in 16 bits in PS CS,

    and want to print at least 300 dpi at that size. What parameters do

    I set for him? Thanks in advance . . . .

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