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Image Comments posted by nickjohnson


    The exosure was between three to five minutes, and I just kind of guess it at that point and also hope for a little reciprocity failure to keep things from burning out. As for the aperature, I stopped down to f/11 as this should be one of the sharpest aperatures on this lens. Of course, it was held by a sturdy Bogen tripod (3021P + 3047 head) with me pressing down on it. All in all, it was a pain.

    Tree on Comus Road 3

    I think the wide angle look distracts, but besides that its a very minimalist type of shot. Love the soft consistent blue. Composition is pleasing as well. Only other complaint is the apparent light falloff on the edges. Great shot though.

    Tree (2): Fog

    Very unusual tree. I like the sunset shot more, myself, though this one is very pleasing as well. The sunset looks American west, though this looks like Ireland or something stereotypical like that

    Cold Power

    Interesting neons on the fans. Somehow it screams of snapshot. The highlights are totally blown out but I expect thats how it actually looked. Theres just nothing really special here. Shoot film next time for a good long exposure


    I see your point, but my main goal with the series of winshield car trails is to capture what the driver would see. As I can't sit the tripod in my lap, the backseat is as close as I can get. On an 8x12 you are able to read the time, the ambient temperature my radio station, and my speed. Unfourtunately, I can upload photos that large. Thanks for the comment, and I'll continue to look for new angles.


    Detail from another from the roll



    This is one of my favorite from the night, if not a little generic and easy to do. The detail in the blowups is astounding though. You can read the milage! Please look at my other traffic trail photos. Its becoming a focus of my work but I'd really like to improve.




    I tried to take a different angle than I was used to with the traffic trail shots I've seen and done. Say something and please look at my other traffic trail photos. Its becoming a focus of my work but I'd really like to improve.




    I belive I exposed this one improperly (or was it the fact that I left

    my ISO800 film sitting in a black car in Miami?) so I decided to play

    with it. Actually makes it look like we have an autumn here. What do

    you think?

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