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Posts posted by chris_chen

  1. I've always been amazed how CHEAP Ferraris are. If they make 3000

    cars/year, that would be 500 of each model/comfiguration? They are

    largely hand made, having 1000's of parts, many not interchangable

    between models. And most, apart from the instrumentation is made in-

    house. Ferraris are works of ART; Leicas are TOOLS. I never oood

    (sp?) and ahhhhd at my Leica; photos yes, equipment no. vrooooom!

    Some day/some way. Actually I'd probably get a used Porsche Carrera

    4 Cabroilet. I need the back seat; one for the tripod, the other for

    the flash 8^)




    Leica probably doesn't know how many they will sell in a year so, how

    can they price them.




    Leica probably does not even make the eyepiece.

  2. Sorry Leica Users, but this comment is related to Leica, a little.




    Hey You Hasselblad Users in the Leica threads: have you been to the Hasselblad section of photo.net? Dr. Kornelius J. Fleishcher from Zeiss is a frequent contributor and responds to many Hasselblad user's questions.




    Please tell me why, if your reading, Leica remains silent. Maybe because we Leica users have too high expectations compared to Hassy users. We all should ask realistic questions/wants and not:




    Zoom eyepieces




    50, 1:0.95




    21:35:90, 1:2.8 Tri-Elmars




    Swing open backs




    Titanium, vertical travel shutters




    BTW how come Hassy seems financially fit and Leica not? They're range of accessories seems to be a lot fewer than Leica's, although priced as high. Hassy's R&D seems to be more active too:




    C T*

    CF T*



    205FE (?)

    Focal Plane AND leaf shutter lines

    "Entry" level and Pro bodies AND lenses




    I don't think they sell more new equipment than Leica. And, the used market is just as active.




    It must be something to do with Leica management since the separation from Leitz.




    Wadadya think?

  3. Giles,




    I've worked for eight months in Bratislava, Slovakia, and the Slovaks

    prefer to be known as Central Europeans. Ditto the Poles, Czechs,

    Magyars (Hungarians), et al.




    Europe extends to the Ural mountains; hence the name Europe, "O"rder

    in the "K"ingdom?

  4. Camera Fairs will have a table where shutter speeds can be checked

    for free. I had all my cameras tested, and all, including the M4,

    were fine.




    Camera repair shops aligned my rangefinder in about 90 seconds, for

    free. I walked in on a whim because I was in the 'hood. And no, it

    wasn't the Ritz Camera. I'd used their service before.

  5. Ron,




    If it works fine and the photos are fine then the camera is fine

    too. These are NOT cars, and do not require maintenance, and regular

    maintenance will not improve the longevity of your camera.




    As you already have a back-up, use your "new" M4 until the shutter

    separates, which just happened with my M4. I intend to get a full

    CLA. Not bad for a 32 year old camera. If I/previous owner got a

    CLA every five years we would have spent $1000 in today's money, and

    the shutter would still have separated because it's not part of the

    maintenance. Before y'all flame: the cloth separated from the

    blade. Although, spring tension is probably part of a CLA, I don't

    think its range of tension is all that great, and the camera's

    exposure was fine before the break/tear (cloth threads are visible).




    However, if one dollar-cost-averaged in GE over the years with the

    CLA money, how many new bodies could one buy?

  6. Have y'all seen the previous thread: "Your Daily Bread"? It solicits the occupation of the contributors and makes interesting reading.




    Now I'd like to solicit: Where do you call home? It need not be your origin (add it if you like), but where do you live.




    On another note: If you were to return to a spot on this globe that you've been to, where would that be? What are don't miss for the type of photography you prefer to do?




    I'll start. My daily bed is where my hat is, currently Krasnodar, Russia. Home Office is Houston, Texas.




    My don't miss for street and architecture photography are:




    1. Ankgor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia




    2. Rome, Italy




    3. Anywhere in Spain except Madrid and Marbella

  7. Thanks Jack




    I've never held one of these in my mitts. I got one from ebay, and

    since I'm in Russia, a friend did the transaction.




    I competely understand - makes sense.




    However, I don't think the lens cam is repositioned; I think it ramps-

    up "steps-up" to allow camera cam engagement in close focus mode.




    Are you located in the eastern hemisphere or you a night owl?

  8. Yip, Why didn't you use warranty service, did you buy grey market?




    I'd be worried about liquid lubricant volatility in a closed system

    such as a lens on body. Fishing reels are open to the atmosphere as

    we say in our industry. I think Leica uses solid lubricants. What

    do watchmakers use in their closed systems? Any

    watchmakers/repairers out there?

  9. OK, I've spent the last two hours looking for a similar thread and didn't find one. I posted this question in a recent thread and didn't get an answer. Therefore, I'm starting a separate thread.




    I've been to Gandy's site, and he only talks about mounting capabilities.




    My question is about focus.




    I've seen threads regarding "eyes" and the 35 mm lenses designed specifically for the M3, and why they wouldn't work w/o the eyeys on an M2 (because of the eye in front of the rangefinder). The Dual Range has two eyes as well.




    Now, please tell me anything anyone ever wanted to know about the Dual Range and its use/non-use on the 0.72 M's (my M4 and M6).




    That is: Mounting issues AND focusing issues.

  10. please don't flame me,




    In several previous threads I had stated that I prefer not to use flash with my M2/4/6. I broke my own commandment when my friends invited me to their wedding and to take some photographs mainly at the reception (snap shots), although they'd hired a "pro". Well, I travel with a small flash (don't ask for name/model - I don't even know - bought 2nd hand for $5, Vivitar? w/bounce), and used it for the occasion. I also have a short PC cord, because whenever I use it I know I have to plug it in the socket or it doesn't flash. I use it with my SWC on occasion too. The SWC fill-flash produced interesting effects with flying rice - looks like 2nd curtain flash (I know it's a leaf shutter) - streak than flash (like comets). Of course, The SWC is cord only flash.




    Anyway, is the shoe on my M6 classic "hot"? I think it MUST be. If it is, it doesn't work. I don't really mind as all the other funtions work, and using the cord is no big deal. I will not send it in if this is the only "problem" with the camera.

  11. John (one of my M-heros),




    I said that I understood "...the value of an eyepiece magnifier."

    Wouldn't a 0.75-1.25 be cool? You know Leica doesn't

    get "everything" right; we're all human after all. Is it imposible

    for anyone other than Leica to have a better (this one, maybe) idea?

    I have a German Emoscope that is far more complicated and less





    Where did you get the impression that I don't like M's? Actually,

    you're right, I LOVE 'em. Got an M2/4/6. I won't get an M7 from

    what Andy posted; maybe an M8 is in my destiny, just to keep the

    pattern going.




    I agree: one body/one lens. Mine 21/3.4, M4 (no meter anyway),

    35/2.0, M6, 38/4.5, SWC. I travel w/90, 2.8 TE and carry it

    sometimes. I've got a good case solution if anyone is interested.




    Sorry I hurt your, or anyone elses, feelings.

  12. Oliver,




    Have you been to Bilbao, Spain, or Northern Ireland, maybe the

    Balkans, Chechnya, any football stadium in England? I can't even

    donate blood anymore (says the Red Cross); I spent more than eight

    months in Europe; exposed to the Mad Cow disease. And, there are in

    the remote areas I've been to hotels such as you describe, some are

    pretty bad.

  13. Bro,




    I'm working on an oil pipeline that runs from the oil fields and pump

    station at Tengiz, Kazakstan, then to another pump station at Atyrau,

    Kazakstan, then to a pump station at Komsomolskaya, Kalmykia, Russia,

    then to a pump station at Kroptkin, Krasnodar, Russia, then finally

    to a tank farm/marine terminal and tanker loading single point moors

    off-shore (Black Sea) near Novorossysk, Krasnodar, Russia.




    I'm a commissioning and start-up engineer. I get paid to travel!

    I've been doing this since 1989. I joke that I'm homeless; my home

    is where I am.




    I Spend 3-6-11 (six is typical) months living and working within

    another peoples/cultures (I do get US assignments sometimes. To me

    Baytown, Texas is third world). I get apartments (typcally city

    center), go to work (typcally in the field/plant), and toil along

    side the natives. After all, how much does one learn about a people

    when all one experiences is two weeks among tour guides, hustlers,

    hotel/bar/restaurant/market staff, taxi drivers, etc. But y'all keep

    travelling; two weeks is better than none.




    I have boxes and boxes (in storage) of street photography from all

    over the world. I will post some of the ones I travel with (office

    decorations), the others after retirement. It will take that long

    just to organize them. I don't throw ANY away (LP's either). They

    represent context of a time in my life, even the "pressed by mistake

    ones of the ceiling", and Saturday Night Fever album. I don't play

    it, but I remember when I did.




    This is a phased project (current four pump station phase is $2.6B)

    that will, by 2014 have 15 pump stations (one every 100 km). Think

    long straw; if you suck on a very long vertical straw (30 feet),

    without the help of gravity (tilt), even if you pulled a perfect

    vacuum, you wouldn't get any water. As pump stations (booster

    stages) are added more oil can be pumped.





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