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Image Comments posted by Brian

  1. This image is certainly evocative of a dark and stormy day, but it has the drawback that the title is 'Pendeen lighthouse' but the lighthouse is very small in the frame. I would have preferred more of the lighthouse and less of the dark, featureless foreground. Also I think getting closer to the waves would have been a good idea - you would get more tonal contrast and more immediate sense of the storm if we could have a good look at those waves.
  2. I like the composition though I would have preferred the island a little further to the right. The shutter speed was obviously chosen to smooth out the water texture, which is fine, though I prefer with seascapes to have something 'going on' on the water surface. The colours seem a little harsh and manufactured, not what I would normally see on the rocky coastlines that I am used to.

    There is something cliched about the picture concept and though it is well executed it is not particularly original.

  3. This image caught my eye in the listing so I opened it up. I see it's in the landscape category but I feel there are several factors here working against it as a landscape. First you have a flat mid-day light, which doesn't really create any atmosphere. Then you have the oversaturated blue and green tones, which lend the image an unreal air. Then you have the strange composition, with that principal house dead centre but unfortunately many other structures competing for attention.

    The division into the three bands of water, land, sky is in essence a good one, but unfortunately the content of the image does not take advantage of this framework.

    A more pleasing arrangement of buildings might have made this into a reasonable composition, but the sheer colour saturation is always going to affect its impact as a 'normal' landscape image.



    Very effective use of colors in a situation of fairly muted lighting. I would have placed the house further off centre, and reduced the impact of those large dark trees on the left. They are visually good, but you don't want anything competing with the house for focal point.
  4. I find this a very likeable image. I too am troubled by the expanse of grass in the foreground - on the other hand you have got something going on there (that stream or whatever it is). But it doesn't exactly relate to the other elements of the image. Weighing it up, I reckon the foreground could go, because all the interest is basically in the trees and barn. The color and lighting on them is good, whereas the foreground is relatively flat. Sorry, I don't like telling people to crop images but I think it would be an improvement here. Another shot, starting at the base of the trees and taking in more sky, might be nice.
  5. Very good composition. I would have liked you to pull up the brightness a little so the hillside on the left is not so dark. I feel the transition on the right between the light foreground and dark background is unnaturally sharp. But it's a great scene and you were definitely standing in the right place.


    This is a brave image to put up. There is very little information or context to say what is going on. That appears to be a match bottom left. I have to say that other than that, I can read nothing in the image, so it doesn't really do anything for me.


    I would suggest that the sky, and the interaction of the light with the left-hand faces of those buildings, is what makes the picture, so you don't need the shadow side of the building and all that dark water. Maybe there was something out of frame on the left-hand side that you didn't like, but I would suggest moving the POV in that direction. (Cropping off the right-hand third would also improve it, but I know people don't like to be told to crop.)


    It's a great sky, the hills are well exposed and there is some good colour in the water, but that wooden structure just sits in the middle, too small to be seen properly, yet it seems to be the focus of the picture. If you want to make a picture of the structure, I suggest taking your viewpoint off to the left of this and using a longer lens.


    Nice idea but there are two things to note here. One, you've got too much dead black in the image, and two, you didn't get the opposite waterline level or lined up with the reflection. I know it's hard to manage these things but this kind of novelty shot invites that sort of criticism.

    in the country

    The trouble with this image as I see it is (1) flat mid-day light; (2) no centre of interest. I cannot fault the technical side of the image, but on the other hand it does not really say anything. This makes it a sort of documentary photo of a particular place at a particular time, but with no general artistic impact. If you wanted to sell that orchard, this would be the photo to put in the ad.


    A very picturesque valley with gorgeous greens. I don't think the shutter speed was the best choice unless it was enforced by the light level. The water looks neither realistic nor fantastic - in fact it looks like glue! Sorry.


    When you say "the clues in the title", do you mean "Untitled" or "Swan Lake"? I think I can see a swan. Anyway, I like the concept here and I've tried to do it many times myself without as much success as you have here. I just love the quality of the light on the water. Very beautiful and tranquil.



    A clichéd composition but very well executed. Excellently subtle use of the ND filter. I take my hat off to you for being up there at that ungodly hour.

  6. The picture concept is a good one, though I think the impact would have been greater if you could have shifted position so that the seated man and the torso were closer together. Possibly just including more space top and bottom would have done something in this direction.

    The 'statement' below the image is not a good idea, because: (a) the picture should speak for itself (which it does); and (b) your statement is littered with spelling mistakes.


    Reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes. You might get away with this in an avant garde gallery, but here on photo.net it's just a blank monitor screen.
  7. You have got a situation of contrasting shape and texture here which is the basis for an interesting shot, but you have not made the most of it. Composition wise you have not made good use of the material, putting the plant dead centre and looking straight down. Also there is complete absence of any directional light which would have emphasised shapes and cast shadows.

    You've probably heard this before, but good photos require good light. Here you could make your own with an off camera flash or flood, or you could wait till the end of the day and catch a strong directional low sunlight on your scene.


    Good visualization, well executed, except... I realise you needed to keep the background dark to create your effect, but the result is too much dark shadow in the picture. I don't think cropping is the answer because you need the space, but I admit I don't see how you can maintain that pure outline if the background is lit. Sorry to point out a problem but not a solution.
  8. It's eye-catching but somehow unsatisfying. I feel you could have gone further with the idea. It's well lit with a nicely out-of-focus background, but it's just a pencil shaving. I suggest trying to introduce some other object so as to tell more of a story, or skewing the viewpoint or lighting to make it more abstract.

    Beached k


    Gorgeous light and a good composition. Because it's so picturesque, I would have got rid of that beer bottle, either on the day or in post processing. It's funny but although it is insignificant in size, it kind of drags the image down into a documentary shot rather than an "art" landscape.

    Also, I would have preferred a little more sea and a little less fence, but that's just personal taste, and it works well your way too.

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