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Image Comments posted by graham_byrnes

    Jumpy weather

    Bravo! Un image tres evocatif... un petit portrait du lien enfant-mere et une forte impression de place. Tout ca et cette composition superbe en plus :-)
  1. To take Tony Dummet's question in a slightly different direction: do people think it's getting harder to take candid photos without annoying people? I have a suspicion that once upon a time people were more relaxed about being photographed (unless they were in a Munich beer tent urinal)... whereas now there is so much awareness of papparazzi, the (dubious) belief that photographers can make money by snapping innocent passers-by and selling trendy BW prints, and a greater general defence of privacy and self.


    If so, there are likely to be two consequences: 1. being an arrogant sh*t will be a qualification for street photography; 2. Eventually a politician in need of some votes will enact legislation to restrict photography without consent in public places. Opinions?

    Field n.005

    I like it very much... most of the landscapes on this site are just too much saturated colour. This is subtle and has those wonderful lines cut across the fields to make the composition work. Bravissimo!
  2. Yes, it's well done, but I think the chain is wrong. It's too new, too theatrical. I've been threatened with a beating by a street kid: he just pulled his sweater sleaves down over his scarred knuckles. I remember the gesture years later because it was so clearly a practical thing that he'd learnt through practice. Your subject has nice smooth hands and doesn't look about to hit anybody... in which case the fist might be better down, playing with the chain. If it's up and be brandished, the face should have a bit more Diane Arbus-style hatred and violence.


    Of course this is all just my reaction and might say more about me than the photo :-/

  3. The current Australian government is gaining popularity by treating refugees very badly: this is one of the detention centres, located in Melbourne (the more infamous ones are in mid desert). The two guards are on their way to tell me they've called the police to have me removed for illegally taking photos on Commonwealth property... which is an interesting use of the words "common wealth".


    This one is my favourite... because of the original expression. 30's noir film lighting but with a really dramatic moment rather than the regular "cool star" look that most people take from that era. I'm impressed.
  4. This seems to nicely capture the subject's bubbly nature (or fakes it well!), but the lighting strikes me as a bit of a cliche': night club performers have been shot this way for over 50 years. Just my cheap opinion, as always:-)


    Yes, the stone effect is nice and the repetition increases the statue-like quality... although I wonder if it would have been even better if both forearms had been at the same angle?

    Imprisoned flower

    IR or no, it remains that the fence is in focus rather than the flower. Yes, I know that focussing is tricky with IR, but the fact that it is hard to get the focus right doesn't make out-of-focus look any better. Maybe if you had bracketed the focus? Well done for the attempt, but it is only an attempt. Best regards, G
  5. This seems to me to work quite well... the shoes off but in frame and the concentration on his obsession with the foot rather than the foot. Framing and lighting all work well. I could put it on my office door and cut down the number of students coming to visit... :-)
  6. Hi Amy,

    Maybe it's just because I'm a vanilla boy, but this doesn't work for me. It looks a bit snap-shot-ish, or like a medical illustration. Then again, I don't have a foot fetish and yet I like the foot-kissing shot next to it much better: the BW seems to catch the mood and tonal range gives it some drama. As ever, just my subjective opinion for what it's worth...



    First: beautiful shot. re Tony Dummet's comment on the lighting on the underside of the boy's head: I think it's reflected back up off the surface of a table... ie the same thing that caused the flare, but not flare.


    I can't agree with the suggestion (not by TD) to increase the contrast in the background: the greyness is what makes the boy stand out. Sadly I do agree that the flare is flare and not a numinous visitation of mystical energy and it would be better not there.



    This manages to combine two things I don't like (flower photography, 70-ish graphic style)to produce an image I'd happily have on my wall :-)

    I think it's a self-mocking flower...

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