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Posts posted by kirk_teetzel

  1. This one was attached to a Voigtlander Bessa T


    <a href=" Crossing Street title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/30/58935273_76dbd4baec_o.jpg" width="500" height="326" alt="Crossing Street" /></a>...............





    This one was attached to a Great Wall DF-4





    <a href=" BMW Speedomoter title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/25/61933682_bb196618c6.jpg" width="476" height="500" alt="BMW Speedomoter" /></a>

  2. Flickr, as well as PNet, has inspired me to no end. I can spend hours upon hours finding beautiful art by looking at people's favorites.


    Here is mine (there are nudes in itm so if you are offended....) if anybody is interested. My tastes are all over the place.



  3. Of course, after I hit submit, I realized that I'm thinking this is a company that operates in large volume, say like GM, whereas they are probably more like Ferrari where it's all build by hand and issues like run-at-rate, labor and burden, and PPM are not issues at all.


    I have no idea how Leica operates their production.

  4. Marc,


    Your response about existing tooling is somewhat incorrect: because the tooling is done, a company would be less inclined to create an additional product because this would require a completely new line, whereas, if they wished to create a new product, they could re-tool their existing line for considerably less and therefore end the M7 (or MP). All that additional burden of new tooling requires more than just a new "production line" for a new camera. It has to be manned, powered, maintained; in essence running X number of lines increases you overhead by X amount. Pretty risky for a boutique company.


    On the other hand, I can see keeping it around and creating a new line for digital, which I can only assume, would be so signifcantly different that it would merit new production techniques and therefore tooling.


    Just my observation. :)

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