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Posts posted by pradeep1

  1. Thanks Mr Quang, i will mail them and get the details. Just a question which popped in my head do i have to underplay a lot to get an entry to sell my photographs or think of the efforts that went into each photograph and price them accordingly. i see bob atkins page on stock photography going for around 25$ a photograph, some links i see people sell their photographs for 100s of dollars, i am really confused :)
  2. i mailed them and checked what they want it for and they tell me this - <i>'We are collecting and compiling few choiced

    photgraphs for a digital photography journal.'</i> how much do i quote now?



    <a href=http://tinyurl.com/2apr2>P r a d e e p R a g h u n a t h a n</a>

  3. I am based in India and just started shooting last year. I have been

    asked by a lab to buy my photographs. What kind of photos do you

    think do people like to see from India? Could that be the value

    proposition that i could offer? I dont have many photos which speak

    of this now though


    this is my portfolio now http://tinyurl.com/2apr2


    i would love some suggestions and how to go about quoting for my

    photos and how much they would be worth to quote. thank you.

  4. i am so happy to have found this forum and thread, i got this mail from a lab based in canada and they say that they are interested in my photos after they saw it on photo.net. i just started digital photography mid last year and am clueless as to how to go about it. they have asked me for a quote now and i need HELP!


    this is my portfolio on PN, http://tinyurl.com/2apr2, please advise what i need to do now and how do i quote and how much? i am based in india now. thanks in advance for all the replies. cheers!

  5. Thanks Brian, guess i was too thrilled to realise that :) I am very sorry about that, i should have understood better. well, whatever it is, i feel good that i was there for a brief period on the first page :) i wish i had a snap shot of the page when my photo was there in the first page though :) Thanks again Brian and sorry too. Happy shooting! cheers!
  6. i find photos which have been rated on the same day as mine in the last 3 days ratings filter, i dont find my photo (with 33 ratings) even in the last one weeks ratings list. i am not clear why. its not yet 29th so typically my photo should be seen in the top 3 days photos on the first page, or max 2nd page of the ratings.
  7. this is not with regard to the 100mm macro, but recently i took a shot of a bee with my canon G2 and a reversed 50mm attached to it. i didnt use flash, just the available light with a home made reflector and i had to take the shot from an awkward position, i couldnt have used a tripod here, have a look, its hand held and i think its pretty usable (atleast for me :)) happy shooting! cheers!<div>007pZo-17282484.jpg.5348c08293a602ed864de2da93326006.jpg</div>
  8. i tried posting a similar post on the digittal cameras forum but just

    one reply :( guess i need this for my future EOS, so it can fit here.

    expecting some responses here.


    i like macro photography and i need to get a flash bracket and a

    focusing rail. i checked out the prices and they are atrocious....

    around 100$ for a flash bracket. i have never seen a focusing rail.

    its hard to find one here in my city, they would generally not show u

    the stuff if u are not going to buy it.


    i have a cousin who can make things for me if he has a design, i

    wanted to know if someone here has a design for a macro flash bracket

    like the kirk bracket, and a good focsuing rail, so that i could get

    it done at a much cheaper cost :) for information, i use a canon G2

    now with a 420EX speedlite and would be getting a digital rebel in a

    few months.

  9. i like macro photography and i need to get a flash bracket and a

    focusing rail. i checked out the prices and they are atrocious....

    around 100$ for a flash bracket. i have never seen a focusing rail.

    its hard to find one here in my city, they would generally not show u

    the stuff if u are not going to buy it.


    i have a cousin who can make things for me if he has a design, i

    wanted to know if someone here has a design for a macro flash bracket

    like the kirk bracket, and a good focsuing rail, so that i could get

    it done at a much cheaper cost :) for information, i use a canon G2

    now with a 420EX speedlite and would be getting a digital rebel in a

    few months.

  10. its actually a very easy thing to do, i dont have a shot of my setup (dont have a second camera ;)), but basica;lly this is how it works, u have ur existing camera and lens (eg the 300d with the 18-55 lens), u need to attach a macro coupler towards the end (male screws on both sides), if u cant find one make one urself, choose a 58mm male screw to fit ur 18-55 and then buy another step down / step up ring and fix it with super glue or araldite to the other ring. the reversed 50mm lens needs to be at its widest aperture and focusing is best manually done.


    u can check out my gallery (its not great) but u get the idea of what u can shoot.




    happy shooting, cheers!

  11. very nice idea, as posted above, we would love to see it on the camera. would love to learn more and see more photos in your portfolio. took the liberty to resize the picture and posting it again so its inline with the thread.<div>007mKz-17190184.jpg.61d9635ce02ab21e6a9f8d0aff1de852.jpg</div>
  12. no ratings are not the only thing members are here for, atleast not me, i see ratings as a learning process, i would never mind a 1/1 rating at all, i dont have any qualms, its just that i would love to know why the rater considered it a 1/1, and comment on the photo so that i can improve my skills. and by the way i did send a mail to abuse@photo.net, seemed like this guy has rated only 2 photos so far and they were both mine :) and i have also requested them to see if they can change a few 7/7 ratings that i have got:) happy shooting and cheers!
  13. Thanks Marc will check that site out. Carl, i would suggest u check the link, its not what u think, what i suggest is when u see any of the folders, u first have a view with just the thumbnails of the pictures, then u have an option (link) at the top of the page to view the thumbnails with the ratings, the dimensions, date of submission etc. if we could have this option on the page it would be great, i think it would be the same script running on this page as the folders, so that wouldnt be much of a change, that is, if this idea appeals to the administration. happy shooting! cheers.
  14. http://www.photo.net/photodb/member-photos?include=top&user_id=427851


    that is the link to my top rated photos (more than 10 ratings), now

    this is a nice feature, but i was wondering, wouldnt it make it

    better if i have the option of seeing the file size, ratings etc like

    i do in the folders? it will be a good page to check out the ratings

    of my top photos at one shot rather than clicking thru each folder

    and seeing them. just a suggestion to the administration and my 2

    cents worth. happy shooting, cheers!

  15. looks like this has been a good thread, thanks to me ;), just kidding there, i agree with the 7 ratings too, u get some people rate some of ur photos 7/7 and u really feel guilty, u just feel it wasnt there, but i guess its human instinct not to mind more of anything :) i do rate some photos 7, but if they are like works of mark plonsky which just bowl u over when u see them and u cant but rate 7 (or more;)).


    that was a good point, if its a one off critic who rates u low just go on dont bother, i like that. happy shooting, cheers.

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