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Image Comments posted by chris_chedgzoy


    Interesting effect, I think I may have blurred the edges more to give a more dreamy feel to the image. I think the mans coat and the woman on the left are a little too sharp. But the overall effect of this is nice and for some new to photoshop its top shelve stuff.

    The Sect


    I created this image for a bit of fun to be honest as the model was

    really was not that pleasent to look at and I wanted to get something

    out of the sesson with her.


    I have entered this image in a few local contests and to my amazement

    its won a lot of awards. Still trying to understand why so thought I

    would post it up to get your guys reactions. Good or bad. I really

    dont care, but your input would be very welcome.


    The are 10 different photographs in this image for the people



    Many thanks for your vote Ben. I dont mind getting a 1 + 1 but would like to hear your reasons behind why you thought this was such a bad image.



    Straight from the hip please. Neg or poss but I would like to know no

    matter what. Please tell it straight and how you feel about this

    portrait, that is the way I learn to take better shots.



    Thanks for the kind words.


    The lighting here was very very simple. I used one large (5 foot) softbox just to my left and a light on the back drop. I placed white card on both sides of her and on a table in front of her to relect more light up into her face.



    Full credit to Emil Schildt for inspiration, I loved his painting

    with light series and thought I would try and use photoshop to try

    and create something alone the same lines. I have not come close to

    this this guys awesome work but I was happy with the final result.


    If you want to vote it 1/1 like my last posting then please feel

    free as but I would like to understand why and a brief comment on

    what is wrong would be very helpful.


    Thank you for taking the time to view my work.



    err Correct a title of pellet would be better. Oh well not being a fire arms expert maybe you will forgive me.


    The image is not a straight shot it is made up of 3 images and a few hours in photoshop.

    (no gun was used and no glass was broken in poducing this)


    I have been told that the water level looks strange in the top of the glass. I would have thought that with the speed of bullet (opps pellet) the water would still be in the position that it started and would not have had time to settle.


    Well that is how the shot was planned so if I got it wrong then I am sorry.


    I think the smaller entry on the right with the back much larger (on the left) is correct which would have also caused the top glass to tilt in the way shown.

    But if anyone has any views on this I am more than willing to hear you out.

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