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Posts posted by dougfromtumwater

  1. I recently ordered a Digilux 3 at a Leica Days sale with a $150 discount ($2349). Comboed with the $699 owner loyalty certificate it will cost just $1650. The Digilux 3 has a much better 3 year warranty with 6 month passport vs. 1yr parts/90day labor on the L1. Factor in the improved JPEG processing (that I prefer for ease use) and the red dot, the Digilux 3 is the better value in my book.


    I'm glad to hear that version 2 firmware provides a focus confirmation light for adapted lenses. I expect my 100 APO and 80-200 are going to get some extra use.

  2. Hi Claudia


    I never saw a statement from Leica, I don't think they ever acknowledged a problem to begin with.


    I recall that amongst us R8 photonetters there was discovered a running change to the offending part, making it smooth rather than pebble grain at the point of film contact. My R8 (Portuguese) has that modification and has been fine. Also, I never read of a late model R8 (Portuguese) or R9 ever having the film scratching problem.


    They are wonderful SLRs and I recommend you buy one.

  3. Hi Stephen


    A Leica M camera is much better suited for street photography. However, you can make the Hasselblad work on the street with your 80mm if you use fast film (400-800 ISO), small f stop (f/11) and zone focus. I rarely use a tripod with my Hasselblad, but I try to keep my shutter speeds at least 1/250 with the 80mm to overcome mirror slap and allow the Zeiss optics to perform at their best.

  4. The B&W pictures seem more real for this vintage of ship, don't they? The tonality and detail are very nice. I especially like the two photos of the breech of the 4 inch gun. That old Summicron still delivers the goods!


    Thanks for sharing Frederick.

  5. Only some very old Leitz M lenses will work with the Visoflex adapter. This is because the Visoflex adds space between the lens and film plane. As a result only a dedicated optical design or two-part lens barrel with (the front part attached) will work on the Visoflex. Modern Leica M lenses don't work with the Visoflex. Ergo they won't work (except in extreme close up mode) with Canon EOS.
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