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Image Comments posted by hoosier

  1. It did take a lot of time, but it wouldn't have been possible if the original photographer hadn't  been so incredibly skilled. Imagine working from a horse drawn darkroom, preparing 8x10 wet glass plates, using flash powder as fill, and then capturing a perfect exposure. Its only flaws are the blurs in the little girl's face, the billowing skirts, and their dog's wagging tail. I'm guessing it was  about a 2 second exposure. It's easy to forget how hard everyone worked 125 years ago. Best Regards, Jerry

  2. Thank you so much for your generous comment. The time and effort spent was an almost spiritual experience. The original was all that was left of my friend's great-grandfather's (the babe in arms) family. Best Regards, Jerry   



    You have captured the image that I've always wanted to take. Congratulations on your success. The mood and composition are superb. 

    Best Regards, Jerry

  3. I know this isn't photo.net's usual fare, but after spending so much time with this family, I've gotten to know them, and the unknown photographer who captured this moment in their lives. I hope he or she would approve of my collaboration, and think I'd done justice to the remarkable, original photograph.

    face to face

    Tony, you got me. I confess. I wear my heart on my sleeve, shed tears to Rachmaninov, and can hardly bear to look at most of my own family pictures. You are very perceptive, and you're observations are always truly appreciated. Warmest Regards, Jerry

    In the Hood

    I am, as always, grateful for your thoughtful feedback. That lovely face you recognized belongs to my granddaughter. I've captured it countless times. Thankfully, she's my muse and favorite subject, since I have nothing like the amazing vistas that you capture so beautifully in my local. As to your recent photos, thank you for taking me back to winter. They remind me of snow I loved so much where I was born and raised in northern Indiana. I live in Texas now, but I'll always be Hoosier, and sorely miss that magical snow. Happy New Year & Warmest Regards, Jerry
  4. First let me say how much I appreciate your thoughtful comments. Though you have many excellent photos in your portfolio, I chose this one because, along with being well shot, it's a fine example of all the things that matter to me in a photo. I think that capturing real people is the most important and meaningful thing a photographer can do. I have no use for contrived images of posed models staged in a studio, but preserving a genuine and unique moment from a short and ever changing life has real value, and when done well, real beauty.  My Warmest Regards, Jerry

    all lit up

    I thought it might be a tad kitchey, but your generous feedback is certainly reassuring. You know how difficult objectivity can be when assessing your on own creation, since if you stare long enough, it becomes very hard to see. Warmest Regards, Jerry
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