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Image Comments posted by bill_sams


    Nice job making it seem desolate/isolated, given the proximity of the parking lot, other monument, and people that must be just out of your frame! Nice complementary colors, too! Makes it surreal...
  1. I like it as it is...but, for me, there is a neat crop of this shot if you crop from just above the cap to just below the bottle/fingers (vertically) and from just right of the red vest to just left of the single bubble (the one that is just above the horizon line) (horizontally)...resulting in a psuedo-panoramic format portrait. I don't know whether it'd hold up (pixelation?). Just a thought.

    Looking up

    If you're considering cropping at all...Have you considered an extreme right/left side crop that would result in a portrait-format shot (just outside her ears on both sides, so you don't end up with any of the grout between the tiles showing)? To me, it would make even more of a 3-d look of her upper head coming out of the picture plane...and make her eyes more prominent.

    Lost in your eyes

    Can you imagine how happy she's going to be when she grows up and has your amazing shots of her as a child? Shots that are unique and show her personality in addition to her striking look(s)...
  2. Like the colors, and the way the pier leads your eye to the cityscape on the horizon. To emphasize those two things, you could crop out almost all of the grey sky. That'd leave the buildings near the very top of the resulting landscape-format image and would highlight the colorful water. Also, the horizon appears a bit slanted (lower on left side of image).
  3. IMHO (having read your bio info)...if this is what you're doing with "poor equipment" and working on your "eye"...you've got a fun, creative future ahead of you! I like your stuff now.
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