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Image Comments posted by dave_holland

    Aurora Borealis


    Magical 'dance of light' is well illustrated here. I like your foreground, it looks to be lit by moonlight. If you would be so kind, please include some exposure and lens data so I can learn from your experience. What ISO were you shooting, and how did you guess about exposure? Overall an outstanding image. If I ever get the chance I'll try the same technique.




  1. A little advice, please.


    Howard, if you could be so kind, please give me a little technical advice on how to stack images in Photoshop. I have PS CS, but CS2 would be very similar. I think I understand the basics of how to collect these images with a guided scope. However, stacking the images later is beyond my experience. I tried 'registax' but failed somehow. Photoshop CS would be a lot easier for me as I already own the software and understand the program. I understand the basics of layers and blending modes for normal photography but have never done astropix.


    Thankyou for your kind help. By the way, your portfolio is outstanding.


    My email address is dr-holland@shaw.ca


    Dave Holland

  2. Whooah. This brings back memories. But the surprising observation is how much this mountain has changed in my lifetime. When I climbed it 20 years ago we kicked steps right up a couloir of snow, without having to do much on the rockwall. It looks to me like the rockwall is mostly rock climbing now. Strange to see geological events happen in a single lifetime.



    Somehow the other photo of these two giraffes got higher ratings. However on seeing both, I think this one is better. You've got more of the 'symmetry in nature' thing going here. And, you have a view of the eyes, with excellent exposure. No surprise on opening, which may be why ratings are a little lower. Overall a fantastic image, Marina.




    bed(!)weather again

    Brilliant idea, Ryszard. I really like the streaked view, presumably through the glass of your building. The boosted contrast and color saturation adds to that feel of sharp against blurred.

    Night Swirl

    Thanks, Greg. I'll footnote this one so I can remember your advice and numbers. With digital you get quicker feedback on the foreground, but sensor noise may be an issue. Maybe I'll try a few digital exposures and then shoot film for the keepers. Not many modern cameras have that mechanical bulb option. Guess I'll just carry extra batteries.

    Night Swirl

    I admire the effort here. Not having done this before it seems to me that the difficult judgement would be to guess about relative exposure of foreground and background. Do you have any pointers to help me with my neophyte learning curve?

    Seat of power


    It's nice to see someone still using ND grad filters with digital equipment. I was beginning to wonder if that technique had been eclipsed by HDR methods in photoshop. Great portfolio, Kah Kit.


    Dave, int med

  3. Really compelling journalism/travel shot. A glimpse of a very different culture, for sure. I might have cropped a little off the left edge, to move the subject's face away from the central location. But this works well, too.
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