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Image Comments posted by cpasfield

  1. This was taken just before sunset. The only manipulation was a bit

    of cropping and then some color modification to bring it back in line

    with the original image as opposed to the lousy color that my HP S20

    scanner imparts. Thanks for you input and feedback!

    Blake House


    The perspective is very original. I would have rated it higher but the foreground pillars and the left side of the roof are very washed out. It could be my moinitor on my laptop. But very nice architecture work overall!


  2. It's interesing, I recognized this location right off the bat. It reminded me of some pictures that I took near Stonington. I have several pictures of Costal Maine in my portfolio from a trip my wife and I took last fall.

    Beach Rock

    Awsome color..Also there is a nice softness across the picture...was the lense a soft focus or is that just a product of the light at that time of day?
  3. I was actually a little dissapointed in this shot because of the foreground darkness. Any advice for future shots? Graduated Neutral Density filter? Thanks again for your comment and rating.





    Interesting picture...I like pictures that capture a distinct (often tense) moment in time. Sometimes they are enhanced by the story behind them sometimes they are not. So...what's the story?


  4. Another great shot. I gave it high marks in originality because of the timing and the fact that it was taken from a canoe in the wild. Unfortunatly under those circumstances focus suffered, hence the asthetics mark. But the timing is really amazing!

    Bald Eagle

    It's nice to see shots of bald eagles in the wild. I have yet to see one on my trips to Maine...but Ill keep comming back! Keep up the good work! By the way, thanks for your ratings of my work. Any suggestions?
  5. My first impression looking at the thumbnail was...what the heck is that a Kidney?...Nice job with the layout, it is well positioned in the frame to produce that initial effect.
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