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Posts posted by rich_deferrari1

  1. Heres what went wrong -you did not pull out the white tab completely {and throw it away} it got dragged back thru the rollers {yes -one turns harder on purpose}and left that impression. Heres how to do it {also great directions are at www.polaroid.com

    Take the photo

    pull out the white tab COMPLETELY ,throw it in the trash.

    now pull out the film tab -slowly,cleanly without stopping or pausing-and then start timing {90" is ok for T89}

    Thanks and best regards -RichD - former Polaroid tech spec.

  2. Mark -I have 4 yellow pages ads -running from $24 - $60/month. I find them very useful in getting my phone to ring! I know they are not as popular as the internet with younger folks...but I think they work so well because the Mom's contact me first for info -then hands it off to the bride.Best regards -RichD
  3. ps. almost forgot. Word of mouth is very very good and free of course. I have also "partnered" with a high end dj -we refer each other and this has worked extremely well for both of us. We tell potential clients that we work well together as a "team" I kick back to this dj -he pays for the "big" ads-this defrays the cost of those expensive ads. Best regards -RichD
  4. I am in a mid size area. What has worked best for me is

    #1 - yellow pages ads! they are expensive but work well for me.

    #2 - my web page -cheap -but effective

    #3 - referrals from "happy" vendors

    what hasn't worked

    #1 - church bulletins

    #2 - ep-online {this area is saturated-leads gone as soon as they appear!

    #3 - newsprint {although my first ad in years will appear in the local paper this Friday! it targets home portraiture though - not weddings}

    #4 I briefly tried the knot and found it full of tire kickers/price shoppers.way too many photographers there advertising also. Very crowded in the Boston area. Best regards -RichD

  5. Me too Melissa -my bookings are down as well . In conversations with my local peers we came to the conclusion that people are booking later than ever. I also agree with digital hurting the wedding business as well. Uncle Bob can shoot 1000 shots and get 200 keepers. Uncle Bob is no longer deterred by film/processing costs with digital. Thank God for my package deal at a local venue -it keeps my cash flow going with appx 40 weddings this year {estimated}. I have also booked more "mini" {2 hour as opposed to 7 hour normal weddings}thank ever before. It's a tight economy. I have not raised my prices in 2 years -I am afraid to.Also I have more summer weddings than ever before...I used to take summers off-no one ever got married around here in the summer -unless they were pregnant. I have 2 March and 3 April weddings so far {1/2 are mini's}. Thankfully I do not rely on just weddings to support my family. If I were just starting out {instead of being very ill and "winding down"} I would rethink my whole business strategy.Best regards -RichD
  6. One last thing I have found Extremely helpful in my travels. Find a GOOD cab driver and tip them REALLY heavy. They will then be at your disposal whenever you need a ride -or help greasing local palms to get into restricted places. That can be invaluable -I have been amazed at the resourcefulness of some of these folks. try to get a good one -get a recommendation from someone {hotel concierge/local you trust}- best regards -RichD
  7. I disagree with the first few posters. I have 3 folks working for me. 2 have 25 years exp. -the other I personally trained from scatch. The first two trained together with me at an old "factory" type studio - we were friends back then -headed in the same direction. I shoot all the weddings at a local venue -plus I have been very ill the past few years. I NEED the back-up. This business model works very well for me. Best regards -RichD
  8. I am in need of an AC power supply {not a charger} to run my 500EL.

    It won't work with batteries and is not worth fixing{$$}.Does anyone

    know the part/model# and their availability. The local pro shop says

    they do not exist! Dave O'Dess say's they do. My money is on Dave!

    Please help -RichD


  9. Derek -you need to find out if you can purchase the film down there that you want -or if you need to bring it with you {beware -X-rays are cumulative!}Also need to find out if you can process your film there in a QUALITY lab {dont need prints -just C-41 processing}. You also need a back-up to your backup-theres no one there you can call IF you get stuck. Also -do you need an adapter for charging your flash/camera where you will be staying? Also -lot's of aspirin/rolaids -I find travel to no longer be worth it. I traveled extensively in the 80's/90's and never much enjoyed it. Too much stress and no time to do anything but work very long days!My last photoshoot to Mexico almost ended abruptly when I was trying to get my film hand inspected....two military folks came over with sub machine guns and that was the end of that argument!If you must go -go extra early to get "all your ducks in a row" . Best regards -RichD

    I usually find that those who enjoy travel{work related that is} have not done much of it. Prepare,prepare,prepare!!!!! There is no back-up down there.

  10. I got a little photoprinter {HP 230} for printing 4x6 images from

    my "new" Canon Powershot G5 with the intention of #1 learning more

    about digital/workflow and #2 bringing it along at weddings to give

    the B&G a nice pix to take on their honeymoon {also one for

    each "mother". So far I have not been able to find a paper I like. I

    hate glossy and also matte. I am looking for a paper that resembles

    the "E" surface {semigloss} that my lab uses. Does anyone have any

    suggestions for a paper to try? Thank you in advance! RichD

    ps -so far I really like playing with this little camera and printer -

    I am really totally amazed at the quality of the images so far{in

    auto!!!}. A dslr may yet find its way into this old film shooters

    hands. Especially for school photos and senior photos.

  11. Thank you Jonathan -I enjoyed your website immensely. I wished mine {www.richdeferrariphotography.com} looked that good. I liked many of your shots -I got some good ideas from it. Thank you and best regards -RichD

    One reason I like your website soooo much is that it is all weddings and lots of pix. It is not trying to be everything to everybody.

  12. Kari -too funny. I used to work alot at the Hilltop in Waltham Ma where they had up to 5 weddings going on at one time -a real wedding factory! This was a common occurence. Back when I was shooting 80 plus weddings a year and one bride blended into the next I used to get very confused....Calling the Bride or groom from the eve wedding by the B or G's name from the daytime wedding. Now I shoot far less -and almost never "doubles" One trick I do now is to write the bride and grooms name on a small slip of paper and tape it to the back of my Lumedyne reflector.When I can't think of the B or G's name I simply refer there. It's so tacky to call them by the wrong name.Glad it worked out and wasn't a 2'nd photog nightmare for you. Best regards -RichD
  13. Hi Scott -I like the business name -it sounds distinctly different . Could not find your web site though...I wanted to see if there was an image there that I liked better. Sorry -I hate to be negative but I didn't like that image -I am too much of a traditionalist I guess. I do like the fact that its in B&W though -I would like to see another image perhaps. When I send out my trifold wedding brochure there are 4 images on it. The thing I don't like about single photo "pieces" is that not every image will resonate with a client.At least with 4 images I have a shot at showing the prospective bride something she will enjoy. I have always found it tough to find one defining image . I guess you can't please all the people all of the time. Sorry for the criticism -just being honest. Would love to see a few more images to choose from. But then again I am a 51 year old traditional male -not a 2o something bride.....Best regards -RichD
  14. Charlotte -I too vote for the metal versions of these classic cameras-my favorites being the 250 and 360 and 450 cameras. I would also check out Kathleen Carrs website and also her book on transfer's. I have appx 50 of these metal cameras which I will be ebaying {$10 each} left over from a project with 4Designs.Email me at RDeFerrari@aol.com if you are interrested. Thank you and good luck! RichD former Polaroid Photog/Tech Spec.

    ps -you can't go wrong with a Daylab at around $100 -if you have a lot of slides already!

  15. Hi Melissa -I too am very worried about the whole scanning issue -especially since Kodak/Fuji have anti scanning technology that they choose not to implement. I provide my clients 5x5" previews {which I know are sometimes scanned}. I also give my clients a free 11x14" portrait -IF- they order within 6 weeks of me delivering their previews {within 2 weeks of wedding}.This helps get bigger orders -as they are still excited about the wedding.Nothing much -other than I am considering going to preview magazines-I can/want to do about the scanning issue. I now make more of my money upfront-for shooting the wedding and depend less on "reorders" for my profit. Vety interresting topic for me -thank you ,best regards -RichD
  16. Todd-I am in a very similar situation as you. Having shot over 1500 weddings over 25 years and a former teacher {adult ed/univ. and on the board of advisors at local photo college}. I was also diagnosed with terminal cancer-6 months to live -17 months ago! LOL -I think they were wrong!With surgeries,radiation,chemo -I was very weak and had a hard time with weddings. I trained an asst. to be with me to shoot when I got tired..... I would start -they would typically finish the wedding. I also shot a lot of family portraits/senior portraits which I did have enough energy for. I have also basically given up commercial photography-too demanding. I am contemplating going back to teaching-I have an offer from the local photo "college". Todd-it is especially hard when weddings are booked 1-2 years out -how will you feel about it then. Hope this helps Todd - but I would go for it. Best regards -RichD
  17. Please post a photo of one of the Fuji-roids -

    Also make sure you are using it correctly -shoot first -before pulling any of the tabs. Also clean the roller assembly with lots of WATER {yes -you can do this with film in the back without losing any film -as long as you do not remove the film pack}Best regards -RichD -former Polaroid tech spec

  18. Never Ever use anything but water to clean your Polaroid back and roller assembly. The lower roller does not turn as easily as the top roller -this is normal. NPC {do a web search} would be happy to send you a copy of the directions for the back. Call 1-800-225-1618 {Polaroid Tech Support}to get a walk thru of how to use this back or to order a new updated roller assembly for your back {especially if it has been disassembled or cleaned with alcohol!} Best regards -RichD - former Polaroid Tech Spec.
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