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Image Comments posted by tom_westbrook

  1. I like this photograph. It's a nice abstract. A real 'keeper'. One thing that I might improve is to do a bit of perspective correction so that the support pillar on the right appears straighter. Also the bright white-out spot in the upper left is a bit distracting--I'd try to get a bit of tone into that.
  2. It's a nice composition. You might try again, if you can, and keep the bush from blocking the upper-right--it obscures the water in the background. Also, it looks like the waterfall highlights are burned out, which is distracting. Usually you wouldn't want the highlights to be blocked up like that. Good beginning, though!
  3. Excellent photo! The only thing I'd change would be to either ditch the border or make it black or dark grey--it's somewhat distracting. Also, It might be worth trying to add a little red via PS to see if it helps the overall bluish cast, esp. on the non-snow-covered bits of mountain & it's reflection in the water. Just a suggestion.

    Going home

    I like it. The only thing I'd try would be to crop some off the left and off the extreme right side, since it looks like some light fall-off or something there detracts from the image. Otherwise looks really good.


    You did a good job keeping some detail in the foreground. I think it would be better with just the right tree, though. I think the left tree obstructs an important part of the sky & throws the balance of the composition off somehow.


    Excellent photo. Also, I like your other posted photos especially the b&w work (I'm a little prejudiced toward b&w, though). You have a good eye. Keep it up!

    Lady Lake sunrise

    I think the problem is that there isn't a specific object of interest here. Maybe if you used a wide-angle lens to emphasize the foreground flowers you'd have a point of interest. Also it helps a lot if there a some clouds in the sky, though you did well here by eliminating most of it (but with a wide-angle shot you'd likely be forced to include some sky). Just a suggestion.


    Excellent photo. Very nice balance between fore- and background. The border and drop shadow is distracting & does nothing for the photo--in fact it tends to draw the viewer's attention out of the frame.
  4. This is a good photo. I would probably have tried to capture more of the building--the right side of the photo doesn't really contribute much to the picture overall. Since the main subject is the building, you want it to be the center of attention. This is a classic example of several photos competing for attention in a single photo--you have part of the building and part of the gardens. Keep things simple. Decide in advance what the subject is going to be and compose accordingly. The exposure is perfect, by the way.

    Perched Bald Eagle

    I think the tree is competing too much with the bird for my attention. I am impressed, though, that you got any shot of such a magnificent creature! Wish I had your patience.

    Monotone Railroad

    I mostly like this. Might be better if you increased the contrast a bit--seems a little washed out. The composition is a little out of balance somehow--maybe if the tracks made more of an angle acros the photo instead of just up one side. I don't thnk cropping is needed.

    Moab, UT

    I think you should have given a little less exposure, like 1/3-2/3 stop less to keep the clouds from burning out & still keep some shadow detail (or see if you can fix that in PS). Not really wild about the composition, though I can't pinpoint why--just doesn't grab me.
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