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Posts posted by javier_lopez1

  1. Hi,


    I have bought a Pocket Wizard Receiver to work with my monolight and

    light meter. For the receiver to work with the monolight I need to

    use a miniphone to miniphone cable.


    I have not bought the transmitter for the camera yet. So I have the

    sync cable going from the camera to the monolight. I can do without

    the camera transmitter.


    So, basically, at the monlight I have two miniphones going into one

    hole which obviously poses a problem.


    Can I get at Radio Shack an audio cable that has one male mini and

    two female mini?


    Will this work?

    Will it affect my digital camera in any way?


    Link to the cable in question?


  2. Thanks for your answers guys,


    I have been going thru the prices of

    photogenics for monolights and Speedotron for the pack kit.

    Buying both kits at the same time will definitely leave anyone on the red for a while.


    Which would you buy first, the Pack kit or the Monolights???

    I am interested in these brands because I believe they are proven brands which will have the accesories as I grow.


    True you can use a window and reflector, but only when there is sunlight.


    Once again, thanks for your guidance.

  3. Hello,


    After doing much research in photo.net, I believe, I have understood

    what could be a good lighting kit for portraits.


    A couple of monolights 500 Ws each for the key light, and fill, or

    both for key lights with softbox for whole body portraits. The

    monolights are needed for their great power output and are easier to

    use because of their modeling lights. These would be placed on slave



    A Pack system that would include the hair light and the background

    light, and other smaller lights that would be needed for whatever

    reason. The pack system contains smaller, lighter units which would

    be safe to have around the model.


    Please let me know if I am on the right track...

    And what two systems seem to work together seamlessly or thereabouts.



    I am interested in doing 1-10 person(s) portraits.




  4. Hello,


    I am very interested in doing studio work. I will be making one of my

    rooms a small studio, and later on I might go on location.

    My interest lies in doing family portraits approx 3-10 people indoors

    and outdoors. Since I am a beginner I will probably be starting with

    self-portraits, then two people and so on. It is a very fascinating

    hobby, and I want to do jobs for pay eventually.


    I have read many answers to the posted questions, and I have settled

    for monolights (I was first thinking about 2 550EX Canon Flashes).


    I will probably be using my D10 and black and white film 50, 50.



    Which kit would better suit my needs??

    Is there one that works better with digital???

    How important is the temperature rating of the light to the digital


    Which brand have you found to be easier to grow with???

    I am afraid of hooking up the sync cable to my digital due to the

    voltage inconsistencies. Which one would work better with infrared



    Here are the kits,



    Hensel Integra Power Factory 1000 W/S Kit Includes 2-Integra 500 - 500

    Watt/Second Monolights, Reflectors, Umbrellas, Case (No Stands)

    $ 1,098.95



    Photogenic 1250DRUV B&H 1000 W/S Kit - Includes: 2 1250DRUV 500 W/S

    Monolights, Umbrellas, Light Stands, & Case

    $ 1,164.95



    Source: B&H

  5. I just got a few rolls of this type of film.

    However, the box does not have any information about developing

    the film. I was wondering if anybody here has used this film,

    and what developers are good to use. If you can share the time/temp

    info that would be great.


    I have TMAX, DD-X, and Rodinal, which one of these three would be the

    best to do the job.



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