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Posts posted by bert_keuken

  1. Just picked up my trusty M6 (1780xxx, which makes it a Classic), after having it CLA'd for the first time by the Dutch distributor. It was given a major revision, a dent in the baseplate was corrected, new anti rub inserts, new battery (old ones were still OK IMO), the finder as clear as a bell again, film advance feeling smoother than ever. It's almost better than new. Not cheap but worth it. It feels great to have it back again.









    I like to think I'm the one who came up with 'M6 Classic'. In April 1998 I thought it would be a nice way to distinguish between the types of M6, the arrival of the non-TTL 0.85 made it seem appropriate to do so. My proposition wasn't met with a warm welcome in the LUG. Now it is a frequent used adjective. Funny.

  2. What lens(es) do you plan to buy with the M6? The .85 model has increased focus accuracy, a very good thing to have when shooting at large apertures with the longer focal length lenses like the 75, 90 and 135mm. If you're more into wide angle lenses a .58 model is a good choice, the reduced finder magnification means the 28 mm frame is fully useable.




    If you like to do a bit of both (wide angle and tele) go for the standard .72 finder.




    All the camera's share the same mechanical base of 69.25mm. When you take the finder magnification into account you get the effective base (mechanical base x finder magnification = effective base).





  3. Minolta X-700, Canon T90, Leica M4, Leica M6.




    I switched because I found out I didn't need nor want the loads of functions the T90 offered. And because I ran out of power in the middle of the woods. Try finding someone selling AA-cells there...





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