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Image Comments posted by robert_hall2

  1. Golly gee I like this!  (that's a true statement, not sarcasm)  How did you get it?  All relevant details would be appreciated: exposure time,  iso, etc; location, illumination of barn, post processing....  Really nice.



    There is a "rule" that no more than 10% of the photo should be shadowless black. Without seeing a shot with more details in the blacks, it would be hard to tell if it would be better. But, in my opinion, this is very, very well done.


    This is good work. It is interesting that the background is washed out, something that is considered a no-no, usually. I would like to see some different crops to reduce the size of that upper right corner. Maybe darken it?

    Red Pierrot

    This is obviusly a good photograph. THe comments are enlightening and interesting. I would like to see one with the upper left corner illuminated a bit more. I am unsure of the object beside the head, a flower? I am not sure that more light in the upper left would help, but I would like to see it. The comment that the eyes should be more visible is probably valid. The photo is stunning. Thank you Mg Lizi!

    Winter time

    It is rare that a photograph with so much featureless white area is successful. This is such an example, proving that breaking the rules is half the fun. I love this!

    Old pile fondation

    Whoever selected this photo for discussion surely guessed correctly! It is great! I think it would be interesting to see the results of "expanded exposure range," or, just lightening (dodging) the left side. Cheers to all!
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