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peter haraszti photography

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Image Comments posted by peter haraszti photography

    Old Church


    This picture was taken in the Taranaki Pioneer Village (North Island

    of NZ). I used a circular polariser filter only. There were no other

    mods in Adobe Photoshop except I added a frame and copyright message.

    Please have a look in my New Zealand folder and tell me what you



    Jay, this is a very good portrait! I like the composition, the expression on the subject's face and the texture of his skin and beard. The reason I did not rate it 7 is that the subject's left eye should have been in focus, in my opinion. Where did you take the picture?



    This is a friend of mine who I used to work with in Dublin. Arnaud

    loves playing on his guitar, obviously. The handprinted 10"x8" B&W

    image was scanned and then sepia-toned in Adobe Photoshop.

    Your opinion/comment is appreciated!


    The B&W picture I printed was scanned in and I did the yellow toning in Potoshop. Since publishing this picture, I sepia toned the original print using Photospeed chemicals.



    This picture of Karl was taken in a studio with two flash lights: one

    with a softbox in front of the model (45 degree), and a second spot

    positioned behind him to highlight the smoke.


    Please critique.



    I took this picture while I was on holidays in Nerja, Costa del Sol,

    Spain. The parrot was saying "hello" to me in Spanish (Hola!). I used

    Photoshop only to add a frame and a copyright message.


    Please critique this picture.

    Absolut(e) Dingle


    This picture was taken on a nice summer day in Dingle town, which is

    in County Kerry, Ireland.


    The shape of the house (pub and B&B) reminded me the famous Absolut

    Vodka ads that were running few years ago. If you do not know them,

    these ads featured well-known city and landscapes. Somewhere in the

    picture, the careful viewer could always spot the distinct contour of

    the Absolut Vodka bottle. I liked them because they were funny.


    Comments are welcome!

  1. Some people do not like Cokin filters. I used a graduate +2 blue

    filter here (because I did not have a circular polariser at that

    time), and I think it actually improved the image. It was a cloudy



    What do you think?



    She is friend of mine I used to work with. Please let me know how you

    like this half-portrait I shot in the studio? Thanks, Peter

  2. Jason, thanks for your comment.

    Besides the UV filter, I used a +2 blue graduate filter (mainly, because I did not have a circular polariser with me), but that should effect the top 20% of the image only. I did not change the colour balance in Photoshop.

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