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Image Comments posted by actuallynoname

    Blue Handle

    It surely hold my interest... but I would like a B/W with a higher contrast and may be an horizontal crop, with the objects next to the left margin. A good idea, anyway.



    como ya te dije en otra ocasión y referido a esa bonita imagen que nos presentaste en nuestro foro, me parece una interpretación maravillosa sobre el tema de la magia en el bosque, tal como está pintada... in the shakesperean drama 'A midsummer night's dream'.La veo muy lograda... estupendamente realizada.


    un saludo,stefano


    another great shot. I like all this serie... as I already told you, the more I see these photos the more I like them and the curtain used as hair... This one also seems to achieve a better technical quality... 7/7. The position of her hand is great. Awsome shot!
  1. Really... I feel difficult to get the concept. I don't know how to evaluate the image in the abstract phorum but... OK, let me see something in your portfolio. Wow... I like it, especially the black and white experiments. I left you a comment.

    This photo... not your best, but interesting anyway


    Is it a Rorsarch test? I see a naked female. Next to the right breast I also see the face of her little son... OK, don't give me medicines please. I like the photo, although I think that wit a low saturation it would be even better. 6/7


    wow. they seem like letters. I was looking for a word written.... like love or something like. I maybe don't know that alphabet... but I like the image, tones, definition and originality in it. 6/6 is fair enough?


    hey. I like it a lot... I maybe would have made a crop in the top to cut out the river (or sea, or whatever), just to leave the bridge starring the photo. You had a very fine eye... the photo is a great concept. 6/7
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